Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit eight – Celebrations – Test 2

Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit eight – Celebrations – Test 2


Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.

1. A. calendar B. procession C. unicorn D. ancestor

2. A. Resolution B. alcoholic C. ornamental D. traditional

3. A. Solemn B. exchange C.wrestle D. dragon

4. A. wres tie B. wish C.watermelon D. farewell

5. A. Repentance B. celebrate C.procession D. reunion


Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence.

6. My little sister. “Sleeping Beauty” several times.

A. watches B. is watching C. has watched D. watched

7. Stephen.on the phone when I came in.

A. talked B. was talking C. has talked D. has been talking


Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence.

8. The young are expected to.contributions to the development ofthe country.

A. make B. do C.have D. give

9. We are now.in an argument.

A. connected B. joined C. involved D. included

10. Uncle Tom, my father’s brother, is the closest.of mine.

A. colleague B. relative C. associate D. man

11.I am planning to visit some business.on the 3rd day ofTet.

A. friend B. relatives C. colleagues D. associates

12. On New Year Eve, we gather round the clock tower and .down to the New Year.

A. shouted B. numbered C. counted D. sang


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Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
1. A. calendar 	B. procession 	C. unicorn 	D. ancestor
2. A. Resolution 	B. alcoholic 	C. ornamental 	D. traditional
3. A. Solemn 	B. exchange 	C.wrestle 	D. dragon
4. A. wres tie 	B. wish 	C.watermelon 	D. farewell
5. A. Repentance 	B. celebrate 	C.procession 	D. reunion
Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence.
6. My little sister...... “Sleeping Beauty” several times.
A. watches 	B. is watching 	C. has watched 	D. watched
7. Stephen......on the phone when I came in.
A. talked 	B. was talking 	C. has talked 	 D. has been talking
Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence.
8. The young are expected to......contributions to the development ofthe country.
A. make 	B. do 	C.have 	D. give
9. We are now......in an argument.
A. connected 	B. joined 	C. involved 	D. included
10. Uncle Tom, my father’s brother, is the closest......of mine.
A. colleague 	B. relative 	C. associate 	D. man
11.I am planning to visit some business......on the 3rd day ofTet.
A. friend 	B. relatives 	C. colleagues 	D. associates
12. On New Year Eve, we gather round the clock tower and ......down to the New Year.
A. shouted 	B. numbered 	C. counted 	D. sang
Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence.
13. ......NewYear’s Eve, bells are rung.
A. At 	B. In 	C. On 	D. During
14. They are setting......a bit of money every month.
A. aside 	B. by 	C. back 	D. out
15. This kind of cake is made......sticky rice.
A. from 	B. by 	C. into 	D. in
16. The first three days of the holiday were filled......joy.
A. in 	B. of 	C. by 	D. with
17. Tet is coming......the comer. Have you got any plans ......he occasion?
A. in - of 	B. round - for 	C. around - on 	D. on - with
Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence.
18. I’m really sorry about what happened during the meeting. I felt I had no choice.” ~ “It’s okay. I’m sure you wouldn’t have done it if you......
A. should have 	B. Had to 	C. hadn’t had to 	D. have to
19. ......you, I’d think twice about that decision.It could be a bad move.
A. If I had been 	B. Were I 	C. Should I be 	D. If I am
20. “Was Pam seriously injured in the automobile accident?”
 ~ ’’She broke her arm. It......much worse if she hadn’t worn her seat belt.”
A. will be 	B. Would have been 	C. was 	D. were
21. If my candidate had won the election, I......happy now.
A. am 	B. Would be 	C. was 	D. can be
22.1 you to the woirtun I was speaking with, but I couldn’t think ofher name
A. will introduce B. would introduce
C. would have introduced D. couldn’t have introduced
23. Page 12 of the manual that came with the appliance says,“ ......any problem with the merchandise, contact your local dealer.”
A. Unless you should have 	B. If you had
C. Unless you have had 	D. If you should have
24. Please keep your voice down in this section of the library. If you......to talk loudly, I will have to ask you to leave.
A. continued 	B. could continue 	C. will continue 	D. continue
25. “Why aren’t you going mountain climbing with the rest ofUS next weekend?”
”To be honest, I’m a coward. If I were brave, I with you.”
A. Would have gone 	B. would go 	C. go 	D. will go
26. ‘Will you see Tom at lunch today? I’d like you to give him a message for me.”
“I’m not going to lunch, but if I......him later; I’ll give him your message.”
A. should see 	B. will see 	C. would see 	D. could see
27. Hurry! We’ve got to leave the house immediately, otherwise,the opening ceremony.
A. We’d miss 	B. we’d have missed 	C. we miss 	D. we’re going to miss
Identify the words or phrases that need correcting to be perfect sentences.
28. We (A) must do (B) something. (C) Until we act quickly, (D) it’ll be too late.
29. (A) The weather (B) doesn’t look very (C) good. If (D) it’ll rain. I’ll stay here.
30. I hope the parcel (A) will come (B) today. (C) If it arrives today, we’ll have (D) to complain.
31. (A) Could you just listen? I (B) need to repeat (C) things all the time (D) if you listened.
32. (A) There’s (B) only one key. I’d better get (C) another one made (D) if I lose it.
Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the given one.
33. Were it not for the money, this job wouldn’t be worthwhile.
A. This job is rewarding at all.
B. Although the salary is poor, thejob is worthwhile.
C. This job offers a poor salary.
D. The only thing that makes this job worth while is the money.
34. You don’t try to work hard.You will fail in the exam.
A. Unless you don’t try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
B. Unless you try to work hard, you won’t fail in the exam.
C. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
35. The flight was cancelled because it rained.
A. If it hadn’t rained, the flight wouldn’t be cancelled.
B. If it didn’t rain, the flight wouldn’t have been cancelled.
C. If it hadn’t rained, the flight wouldn’t have been cancelled.
D. If it didn’t rain, the flight wouldn’t be cancelled.
36. The best place in which we can practise English is the staff-room.
A. The best place is the staff-room for practising English.
B. The best place is the staff-room to practise English.
C. The best place for practising English us is the staff-room.
D. The best place for us to practise English is the staff-room.
37. If only he hadn’t told me a lie.
A. If he had told me a lie, I would have been very sad.
B. If he didn’t tell me a lie, it would be better.
C. I wish he told me the truth.
D. I wish he had told me the truth.
Choose the most suitable option to complete the passage.
 By 336 A.D., the Christian church in Rome celebrated the festival of Christmas on December 25. The same day, Romans celebrated Saturnalia, the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year). In observance of the “birthday of the unconquered sun,” they (38)......gifts and made them merry with a festival. On the Roman New Year (January 1), people (39)......houses with greenery and gave gifts to children and (40)....... Evergreens were a(n) (41)......of survival.
 Modern-day Christmas (42).....many of these traditions. St. Nicholas became a popular figure by the 11th century, (43)......for his great generosity and healing powers, with the rise of the Protestant Church, he was nearly (44)......, except in the Netherlands, where they called him Sinterklaas. Does that name (45).......familiar?
38. A. changed 	B. bought 	C. delivered 	D. exchanged
39. A. painted 	B. decorated 	C. uncovered 	D. disguised
40. A. the poor 	B. poorness 	C. the rich 	D. richness
41. A. signal 	B. meaning 	C. symbol 	D. ornament
42. A. borrows 	B. lends 	C. hires 	D. uses
43. A. infamous 	B. known 	C. love 	D. respecting
44. A. remembered 	B. ignoring 	C. left 	D. forgotten
45. A. hear 	B. listen to 	C. sound 	D. be
Read the following passage and choose the best options to complete the sentences.
 Every year more than 400 million people celebrate Christmas around the world - that makes Xmas one of the world’s biggest religious and commercial festivities. In approximately year 300 A.D., the birthday of Jesus was determined to be on December 25, the day that has been celebrated from then till this very day. The celebration on the 25th of December starts with Christmas Eve, the evening of December 24.
 The religious festival is originally a blend of pagan customs. The Romans held a festival on December 25 called Dies Natalie Solis Invicti, i.e. “the birthday of the unconquered sun”. Pagan Scandinavia celebrated a winter festival called Yule, held from late December to early January. However, it is uncertain exactly why December 25 became associated with the birth of Jesus since the Old Testament doesn’t mention a specific date of the event.
Note: pagan (n): aperson who did not believe in Christianity
46. Christmas is......
A. celebrated by 400,000,00 people	B. the biggest religious festival
C. the biggest business s festival	D. All are correct.
47. Christmas is celebrated......
A. mostly in Europe	B. in many countries
C. all over the world	D. on December 25th only
48. December 25 has been regarded as the birthday of Jesus for about years
A. 2,300 	B. 2,400 	C. 1,600 	D. 1,700
49. ‘Dies Natalis Solis Invicti’ was the festival......
A. celebrated on December 24th 	
B. held by the Romans 
C. celebrating the date of the moon 
D. considered the only origin of the modem Christmas
50. Yule was the winterfestival......
A. ofthe Pagan Scandinavia	B. celebrated in January
C. that had the same meaning as Natalis Solis Invicti	D. All are correct.
The End

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