Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies - Part E: Language focus

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies - Part E: Language focus

1/ Subject focus:

Tom gives Mary a rose.

It is Tom that/who gives Mary a rose.

2/ Object focus:

They played football in the yard yesterday.

It was football that they played in the yard yesterday.

3/ Adverbial focus:

It was in the yard that they played football yesterday.

It was yesterday that they played football in the yard.


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He chopped wood yesterday.choppedchop wood He steps the stairsstepsThey robbed the bank yesterday.robbed They are cabscabsThey are shipsshipsPart E: Language FocusUnit 13: HOBBIESI. PRONUNCIATION/pt//bd//ps//bz/choppedsteppedstoppedtrappedrobbedgrabbedstabbedbribedshipsmapsshopsstepsrobscabsclubsrubs* Listen and repeat:* Practise reading aloud these sentences:* Note:+ “-p + ed” /pt/+ “-b + ed” /bd/+ “-p + s” /bs/+ “-b + s” /bz/- Tom gives Mary a rose. It is Tom that gives Mary a rose.II. GRAMMAR: CLEFT SENTENCES1/ Subject focus: gives Mary a rose. Tom It is .that .............................. Tom gives Mary a rose.Ex: It is Tom who gives Mary a rose.They played football in the yardyesterday.II. GRAMMAR: CLEFT SENTENCES1/ Subject focus: Tom gives Mary a rose. It is Tom that/who gives Mary a rose.2/ Object focus: They played football in the yard yesterday. It was football that they played in the yard yesterday.3/ Adverbial focus: It was in the yard that they played football yesterday. It was yesterday that they played football in the yard.* Note:To emphasize a particular part of the sentence, we use: It is/was + the emphasized part + that + a clause EXERCISE 1: Rewrite the sentences, focusing on the underlined part (cleft sentence)1/ The boy visited his uncle last month.2/ Nam’s father got angry with him.3/ The man is learning English.4/ The woman gave him the book.5/ She bought that present from the shop.6/ The meeting starts at 8.00 a.m. It was the boy that visited his uncle last month. It was Nam’s father that got angry with him. It is English that the man is learning. It was the book that the woman gave him. It was from the shop that she bought that present. It is at 8.00 a.m. that the meeting starts.EXERCISE 2: Choose the correct answer1/ She made some cakes for tea.	A. It is for tea that she made some cakes.	B. It was for tea that she made some cakes.	C. It was for tea who she made some cakes.2/ She sent her friend the postcard.	A. It was the postcard that she sent her friend.	B. It is the postcard that she sent her friend.	C. It’s the postcard that she sent her friend.3/ The boys play football every afternoon. 	A. It was the boys that play football every afternoon.	B. It was the boys which play football every afternoon	C. It is the boys that play football every afternoon.4/ Huong and Sandra sang together at the party. 	A. It were Huong and Sandra that sang together at the party. 	B. It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party. 	C. It is Huong and Sandra that sang together at the party.EXERCISE 3: Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues: A: Who are playing football?B: ..A: Who?B: It The boys are playing footballis the boys that are playing footballEXERCISE 3: Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues: A: Who composed “Tien Quan Ca, the Vietnam National Anthem?B: (1) A: Who?B: It (2) .* Dialogue 1:Van Cao composed Tien Quan Ca.was Van Cao that composed Tien Quan CaEXERCISE 3: Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues: A: Where were you born?B: (1) A: Where?B: It (2) .* Dialogue 2:I was born in Can Tho City.was in Can Tho City that I was bornHOMEWORKRemember to do your homework!Do exercise 1, 2, 3 (page 152-153).Prepare the part “TEST YOURSELF E”Thanks for your attending !

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