Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 6: Global warming - Lesson 6: Writing

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 6: Global warming - Lesson 6: Writing

1. Heat-related illnesses and death, and spread of infectious diseases

2. Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning offossil fuels in power plants and motor vehicles

3. The melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels

4. Deforestation for farmland, wood and paper

5. People losing homes

6. Extreme weather patterns such as severe storms, heat waves, floods and droughts

7. The increasing use of chemical fertilisers on croplands

8. Widespread extinction of species

9. Water and food shortages


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Unit 6: GLOBAL WARMINGLesson 6. WRITINGGLOBAL WARMING: CAUSES AND EFFECTS5/16/2021 Act 1. Which are the causes and which are the effects of global warming. Complete the diagram with the ideas below.1. Heat-related illnesses and death, and spread of infectious diseases2. Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning offossil fuels in power plants and motor vehicles3. The melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels4. Deforestation for farmland, wood and paper5. People losing homes6. Extreme weather patterns such as severe storms, heat waves, floods and droughts7. The increasing use of chemical fertilisers on croplands8. Widespread extinction of species9. Water and food shortages5/16/2021 Act 1. Which are the causes and which are the effects of global warming. Complete the diagram with the ideas below.2471356891. Introduction2. What global warming is and what causes it3. Effects of global warming4. Some possible solutions5. Conclusion5/16/2021Act 2. Discuss and complete the outline using the ideas from 1. Brainstorm some possible solutions.1. INTRODUCTION- one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays- caused mainly by humans- most catastrophic effects on humans- humans have to take actions to reduce the risks- the essay will discuss the causes and effects, and possible solutions2. WHAT GLOBAL WARMING IS AND WHAT CAUSES IT- the rise in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere- causes: + carbon dioxide emission + deforestation for farming land + increasing use of chemical fertilizers on cropland3. EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING- heat related diseases and death, and spread of infectious diseases - melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels- extreme weather patterns such as severe storm, heat waves, floods and droughts- widespread extinction of species4. SOME POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS- reduce energy use - planting trees or plants - using green methods of transportations5. CONCLUSION5/16/2021Act 3. Now write your essay (between 160-180 words) using the helpful expressions in the box, the outline and your notes in 2.HELPFUL EXPRESSIONSlead to/ contribute to/ result in/ cause/ have serious consequences / have impact on / makeExample: The deforestation for farmland, wood andpaper contributes to higher temperatureswhich lead to the melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels ..SAMPLE WRITINGOne of the biggest problems facing humans nowadays is global warming. The Earth is heating up: warmer temperatures are causing changes in climate around the world. Human demand for natural resources has increased rapidly, especially in developing countries. Human activities have led to the pollution of the environment, threatening living conditions for millions of species, including people themselves. If we do not take actions to reduce the risks now, the impacts of global warming on us will become more and more severe. The essay will discuss the problem of global warnning, its causes and effects and suggest some solutions for it.Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth due to the increase of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane and others in the atmosphere. People pollute the environment by burning fossil fuels; cutting down trees for farmland, wood and paper; increasing the use of chemical fertilizers on croplands... Human activities have serious consequences on the life on Earth. We have so far witnessed more severe storms, heat waves, droughts, floods and hight tides. Under extreme weather conditions, people have to suffer heat-related illnesses and infectious diseases.Global warming is seriously affecting our life on Earth in many ways, so everyone of us should do something to reduce it. Begin at home by reducing energy use: unplug all electronic devices when they are not use, avoid lighting at day time, use solar energy instead; saving clean water; planting trees or growing our own foods. Walking and biking to work are green methods of transport, good for health.In conclusion, global warming is throating human beings and millions of species Earth. The Earth is the common home for all of us and because of this great attent should be paid to environmental problems. Taking small but effective actions such reducing energy use, saving natural resources, planting trees or using green means L transportation can make the Earth a better place to live.

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