Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 9: Cities of the future, Lesson 4: Speaking - Năm học 2022-2023 - Lớp 11A4 - Thuy Hong

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 9: Cities of the future, Lesson 4: Speaking - Năm học 2022-2023 - Lớp 11A4 - Thuy Hong

Mary: what are you reading, Jack?

Jack: I’m reading some predictions about London in 2050.

Mary: London won’t be a good place to live in, will it?

Jack: On the contrary, it will be. Although it’s now a stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and pollutions, there are plans to improve the situation.

Mary: how will they do that?

Jack: well, they’ll build smart underground transport networks. The city will no longer be full of cars.

Mary: Unbelievable. Anything else?

Jack: Many eco parks will be built, and they’ll be watered by treated wastewater.

Mary: this means there’ll be no pollution, will there?

Jack: that’s right. London will be cleaner and more sustainable.

Mary: sounds great! I hope I can see their plans come true.


ppt 17 trang Trí Tài 04/07/2023 6510
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Giáo Viên : Huỳnh Tấn Đức –LĐA-AG 
 the conversation between two Londoners. 
Mary: what are you reading, Jack? 
Jack: I’m reading some predictions about London in 2050. 
Mary: London won’t be a good place to live in, will it? 
Jack: On the contrary, it will be. Although it’s now a stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and pollutions, there are plans to improve the situation. 
Mary: how will they do that? 
Jack: well, they’ll build smart underground transport networks. The city will no longer be full of cars. 
Mary: Unbelievable. Anything else? 
Jack: Many eco parks will be built, and they’ll be watered by treated wastewater. 
Mary: this means there’ll be no pollution, will there? 
Jack: that’s right. London will be cleaner and more sustainable. 
Mary: sounds great! I hope I can see their plans come true. 
Vocabulary : 
overcrowded /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/(adj): chật ních, đông nghẹt 
traffic jam /træfik/: kẹt xe 
treated wastewater: nước thải đã xử lý 
sustainable /səˈsteɪnəbl/(adj): không gây hại cho môi trường, có tính bển vững 
eco park: công viên sinh thái 
Practise dialogue in pair 
Practise dialogue in pair 
What are London’s current problems? 
What are people ‘s efforts to solve the problems? 
1.London is a stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and pollution. 
Will London be a good place to live in 2050? 
2.They are making plans to improve the transport system and to make London a green city. 
3.Yes. It’ll be cleaner and more sustainable. 
. Practise the conversation with a partner 
. Practise the conversation with a partner 
Mary: what are you reading, Jack? 
Jack: I’m reading some predictions about London in 2050. 
Mary: London won’t be a good place to live in, will it? 
Jack: On the contrary, it will be. Although it’s now a stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and pollutions, there are plans to improve the situation. 
Mary: how will they do that? 
Jack: well, they’ll build smart underground transport networks. The city will no longer be full of cars. 
Mary: Unbelievable. Anything else? 
Jack: Many eco parks will be built, and they’ll be watered by treated wastewater. 
Mary: this means there’ll be no pollution, will there? 
Jack: that’s right. London will be cleaner and more sustainable. 
Mary: sounds great! I hope I can see their plans come true. 
. Choose one of the cities below. Use the ideas provided or your own to make a similar conversation. 
infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ (n): cơ sở hạ tầng 
Ageing population /'eidʤiɳ/ : dân số lão hóa 
facility /fə'siliti/(n): thiết bị 
liveable /ˈlɪvəbl/ (a): sống được 
piles of smelly rubbish: đống rác hôi thối 
compost (n): phân trộn 
shore wind farm 
Mary: what are you reading, Jack? 
Jack: I’m reading some predictions about in 2050. 
Mary: won’t be a good place to live in, will it? 
Jack: On the contrary, it will be. Although it’s now ...., there are plans to improve the situation. 
Mary: how will they do that? 
Jack: well, they’ll . .. 
Mary: Unbelieveable. Anything else? 
Jack: will be built, and they’ll .. 
Mary: this means there’ll be no pollution, will there? 
Jack: that’s right. It will make .the most liveable city/ an eco city . 
Mary: sounds great! I hope I can see their plans come true. 
. Choose one of the cities below. Use the ideas provided or your own to make a similar conversation. 
 . City in 2050 
- Current facts :... 
- Future plans: . 
- Aims: .. 
 Work with a partner. Make predictions about a future city in Viet Nam. Take notes  
REVISION: Mai and John are talking about the cities of the future. Choose the correct sentences (a-e) to complete the conversation. Then practise it with a partner.  
a.More people will move to the city. More people means more energy consumption and more carbon dioxide emissions. b.Exactly. For example, global warming will become worse. 
c.I'm writing an essay on cities in 2050. 
d.Yes. But in my essay conclusion I'll express my hope that some things could get better in 2050. 
e.I'm afraid the pessimistic. Big cities nowadays face too many insoluble problems. 
Mai: What are you doing, John? You look so thoughtful. 
John: (1)__________________ 
Mai: Interesting topic, isn't it? Are you taking the optimistic or pessimistic viewpoint? 
John: (2)__________________ 
Mai: You mean these problems can't be solved, can they? 
John: (3)___________________ 
Mai: Why do you think so? 
John: (4)__________________ 
Mai: I see ... It seems that you've got enough ideas for your essay, haven't you? 
John: (5) __________________ 
1. C	2.E 3.B 4.A 5.D 

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  • pptbai_giang_tieng_anh_11_unit_9_cities_of_the_future_lesson_4.ppt