Tiếng Anh 11 – Unit 8 – Test 2B

Tiếng Anh 11 – Unit 8 – Test 2B


1: How do you spell these words? Find a suitable word in the box for each of the

phonemic script provided. The first one has been done as an example.

thrive friend flood flight through

frequent throw fresh free flower

The first one has been done as an example.

1. /'fla(r)/ flower 6. / rav / .

2 / frend / . 7. / 'fri:kwnt / .

3. / r / . 8. / fri: / .

4. / fld / . 9. /ru .

5. /fre/ . 10. /flat/ .

2: Circle the word in each line which has a different stress pattern.

0. holiday decorate calendar occasion

1. polite receive happy begin

2. traditional entertainment celebration population

3. exchange member believe enjoy

4. important pagoda festival discussion

5. parade express prepare special


1: Complete the word chart below.
































2: Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the chart above. Put it in the

correct form. The first one has been done as an example.

0. I work far from home and just pay my parents occasional visits.

1. Do you have any. on your friend's presentation?

2. Violence in films has a bad.on young viewers.

3. Have you finished. the room? It must look very nice now.

4. I’ll help you make all the.for the camping trip.

5. Do you.the Chinese New Year in Thailand?

6. You can't eat this peach; it’s not. enough.

7. Youcan observe an.of ideas between the students when it comes to the

discussion part.

8. The shirt is too tight; it makes you look quite.


1: Complete the sentences with a suitable indefinite pronoun: someone, anyone,

everyone, or no one. They can be used more than once. The first one has been done

as an example.

0. Do you know anyone in this village?

1. There is.in the room.has left.

2. The phone call is not for me.knows I'm here.

3. Has. finished their assignment yet?

4. . told my parents that I had won the competition.

5. Hello! Is.home?

6. .must hand in their research paper by Friday.

7. For the world, you are only.but for .you are the world.

8. .has taken my bag by mistake. This is not mine.

2: Read the story' below and fill in each blank with a suitable word: Everybody,

Somebody, Anybody or Nobody. Each word can be used more than once. The first

one has been done as an example.

Every body, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and (1) Everybody was asked to do it:

(2).was sure (3).would do it. (4).could have done it, but

(5).did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was (6).’s

job. (7).thought

Anybody could do it but (8).realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended

up that (9).blamed Somebody when (10). did what Anybody could

have done.

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 Thẩm Tâm Vy, December 10th, 2020 EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT 8 - TEST No.2b 
GRADE 11 – UNIT 8 – TEST 2B 
1: How do you spell these words? Find a suitable word in the box for each of the 
phonemic script provided. The first one has been done as an example. 
thrive friend flood flight through 
frequent throw fresh free flower 
The first one has been done as an example. 
1. /'fla(r)/ flower 6. / rav / .............. 
2 / frend / .............. 7. / 'fri:kwnt / .............. 
3. / r / .............. 8. / fri: / .............. 
4. / fld / .............. 9. /ru .............. 
5. /fre/ .............. 10. /flat/ .............. 
2: Circle the word in each line which has a different stress pattern. 
0. holiday decorate calendar occasion 
1. polite receive happy begin 
2. traditional entertainment celebration population 
3. exchange member believe enjoy 
4. important pagoda festival discussion 
5. parade express prepare special 
1: Complete the word chart below. 
2: Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the chart above. Put it in the 
correct form. The first one has been done as an example. 
0. I work far from home and just pay my parents occasional visits. 
1. Do you have any....................... on your friend's presentation? 
2. Violence in films has a bad.....................on young viewers. 
3. Have you finished...................... the room? It must look very nice now. 
4. I’ll help you make all the.....................for the camping trip. 
5. Do you.......................the Chinese New Year in Thailand? 
6. You can't eat this peach; it’s not...................... enough. 
7. Youcan observe an....................of ideas between the students when it comes to the 
discussion part. 
8. The shirt is too tight; it makes you look quite............... 
1: Complete the sentences with a suitable indefinite pronoun: someone, anyone, 
everyone, or no one. They can be used more than once. The first one has been done 
as an example. 
0. Do you know anyone in this village? 
1. There is..........................in the room.........................has left. 
2. The phone call is not for me.........................knows I'm here. 
3. Has......................... finished their assignment yet? 
4. ........................ told my parents that I had won the competition. 
5. Hello! Is........................home? 
6. ......................must hand in their research paper by Friday. 
7. For the world, you are only...........................but for .......................you are the world. 
8. ......................has taken my bag by mistake. This is not mine. 
2: Read the story' below and fill in each blank with a suitable word: Everybody, 
Somebody, Anybody or Nobody. Each word can be used more than once. The first 
one has been done as an example. 
Every body, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody 
 This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. 
There was an important job to be done and (1) Everybody was asked to do it: 
(2).................was sure (3).................would do it. (4).................could have done it, but 
(5).................did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was (6)...................’s 
job. (7)...................thought 
 Anybody could do it but (8).................realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended 
up that (9).................blamed Somebody when (10)................. did what Anybody could 
have done. 
3: Read the sentences below and say which noun(s) does the pronoun one(s) refer 
to. The first one has been done as an example. 
 Notes: The pronouns one and ones are used to avoid repeating a noun, but they 
cannot be used with uncountable nouns. 
0. If you take the small bag, then I'll take the big one. 
 => one refers to bag ('the big one means 'the big bag'.) 
1. 1 don't like these candies, I prefer the ones over there. 
=> ones refers to.................... 
2. The last question is the most difficult one. 
=> one refers to.................... 
3. We've been looking for a hat, but we can't find a nice one. 
=> one refers to...... 
4. My house is the second one on the right. You can't miss it! 
=> one refers to.................... 
5. I'm having a coffee. Would you like one. too? 
=> one refers to.................... 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, December 10th, 2020 EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT 8 - TEST No.2b 
6. You should throw away these old shirts and buy some new ones. 
=> ones refers to.................... 
7. I'd like a box of tissues. A big one. please. 
=> one refers to.................... 
8. They thought about taking a bus, and there was one coming. 
=> one refers to.................... 
4: Rewrite the sentences, using one or ones, so that the nouns are not repeated. The 
first one has been done as an example. 
0. We've watched all these videos. We must get some new videos. 
=> We've watched all these videos. We must get some new ones. 
1. Those songs are so sad. Can't you find any interesting songs? 
2. This story isn't very interesting. The story you lent me last week was better. 
3. ~ "This is not my umbrella, either." ~ "What about this umbrella?" 
4. You need a passport to travel abroad. So go and get a passport. 
5. Those exercises are very easy. Have you tried this exercise? 
6. If you need a computer disk, I can give you a computer disk. 
7. These boys are too young. Can you find older boys, please? 
8. The product is available in all colours. Which colour would you like? 
1: Read the text below and complete each blank with a suitable word in the box. 
 The April fair in Seville started out as a regional, not a (1)........ festival but it is now 
one of the most famous festivals in Spain. During the festival, (2)........put up hundreds 
of red and white or green and white tents. Triangular flags and (3)....... decorations are 
hung round the tents. At night, they are illuminated by thousands of lamps, (4)......... 
makes it a very colourful spectacle. The (5)......begin at midnight and go on for a week. 
Girls and women (6)........traditional flamenco dresses parade through the streets. 
There is horseback riding, bullfighting, singing and dancing and all sorts of other 
(7)........ During the day. floats full of flowers are (8)........ through the streets in a noisy 
procession. Everywhere, there are couples dancing and guitarists playing music, both 
lively and (9)....... If you want to see the festival, make sure you book in advance or 
you'll (10)..........it impossible to find anywhere to stay. 
1. A. country B. national C. area D. local 
2. A. participants B. strangers C. citizens D. residents 
3. A. another B. the other C. other D. lots 
4. A. that B. who C. what D. which 
5. A. celebrations B. opening C. ceremony D. festival 
6. A. wear B. wore C. wearing D. are wearing 
7. A. amusement B. leisure C. hobbies D. entertainment 
8. A. followed B. performed C. driven D.done 
9. A. noisy B. romantic C. excited D. enjoyable 
10. A. make B. find C. feel D. realise 
2: Read the text and then do the exercises that follow. 
Unique Customs 
 January 17 is St. Anthony's Day in Mexico. It's a day when people ask for protection 
for their animals. They bring their animals to church. But before the animals go into the 
church, people usually dress them up in flowers and ribbons. 
 On August 15 of the lunar calendar, Koreans celebrate Chusok to give thanks for the 
harvest. It's a day when people honour their ancestors by gùng to their graves to take 
them food and wine and clean the gravesites. Alsi on Chusok. a big meal with moon-
shaped rice cakes is eaten. 
 One of the biggest celebrations in Argentina is New Year's Eve. On theevening of 
December 31. families get together and have a big meal At midnight, fireworks explode 
everywhere and continue throughout the light. Friends and families meet for parties, 
which last until the next morning. 
 Long ago in India, a princess who needed help sent her silk bracelet b an emperor. 
After he helped the princess, the emperor kept the bracelet as a sign of the loyalty 
between them. Today in India, during the festival of Rakhi, men promise to be loyal to 
their women in exchange for a bracelet of silk, cotton, or gold thread. 
 On the evening of February 3. people in Japanese families take one dried bean for each 
year of their age and throw the beans around their homes and Shrines, shouting "Good 
luck in! Evil spirits out!" This is known as "Setsubun," a time to celebrate the end of 
winter and the beginning of spring. 
a. These words appear in the text, Match the words with their suitable expla nations. 
1. lunar A. show great respect for 
2. honour B. true and faithful 
3. ancestor C. in return for 
4. loyal D. of the moon 
5. in exchange for E. forefather 
b. Answer the following questions. 
1. St. Anthony's Day is celebrated........ 
A. in Mexico. B. for Mexican churches. 
C.. for animals’ protection. D. Both A and C. 
2. Korean people celebrate Chusok......... 
A. in the middle of August. B. as a thanks-giving for happiness. 
C. with lots of food and wine. D. to thank their ancestors for food and wine. 
3. New Year's Eve in Argentina is a celebration.......... 
A. which takes place on the first day of the year. 
B. when family members get together. 
C. when people can enjoy firework display from midnight till morning. 
D. Both B and C. 
4. The festival of Rakhi in India........... 
A. is held in memory of the emperor. 
B. is a chance for women to show their loyalty to men. 
Thẩm Tâm Vy, December 10
, 2020 EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT 8 - TEST No.2b
C. is when women give their men a bracelet of silk, cotton or gold thread in exchange
for their promise of loyalty.
D. All of the above.
5. All of the descriptions of festivals mention when they take place EXCEPT.........
A. that of Setsubun in Japan. B. those of Rakhi and Chusok.
C. that of Rakhi in India. D. that of New Year’s Eve in Argentina.
6. Which of the following festivals is based on a different calendar?
A. St. Anthony's Day in Mexico B. Setsubun in Japan
C. Chusok in Korea D. New Year’s Eve in Argentina
Following is a description of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam. Make
meaningful sentences to complete the description, using the words given.
1. Mid-Autumn Festival / celebrate / fifteenth / eighth lunar month.
2. It / also / call / Moon Festival / it / for children.
3. Moon festival / initially / harvest ceremony / as / moon / symbolise / fullness /
prosperity / life.
4. During / night / Mid-Autumn Festival, children / parade / along streets / colourful
lanterns / different shapes / hands.
5. Together / parade / lion dance / W'hich / one person / play / role of / God / Soil /
another / be / lion.
6. God / Soil / wear / round / happy / smiling moon-face / symbolise / prosperity and
wealth / earth.
7. dance group / go / house to house / dance / give money / gifts for that.
8. people/ believe / lion dance / drive away / evil spirits / bring / prosperity /happiness.
The End

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