Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit 3: Becoming independent - Lesson 8: Looking back and project - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit 3: Becoming independent - Lesson 8: Looking back and project - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review:

- Pronunciation: linking between a consonant and a vowel

- Vocabulary: words and phrases related to being independent

- Grammar: to-infinitives after adjectives and nouns

2. Skills:

- Develop listening, reading, speaking skills

- Help sts develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitude:

 - Serious, positive, proactive, independent to take part in group activities.

 - Showing passion & excitement in studying

 - Cultivate morality, love people, and love their homeland

4. Competence:

- Self-study ability

- Problem-solving ability

- Presentation capacity and reporting


docx 4 trang Đoàn Hưng Thịnh 02/06/2022 8520
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Preparing date
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review: 
- Pronunciation: linking between a consonant and a vowel
- Vocabulary: words and phrases related to being independent
- Grammar: to-infinitives after adjectives and nouns
2. Skills:
- Develop listening, reading, speaking skills
- Help sts develop the skill of working in pairs and groups 
3. Attitude: 
	- Serious, positive, proactive, independent to take part in group activities.
	- Showing passion & excitement in studying
	- Cultivate morality, love people, and love their homeland
4. Competence: 
- Self-study ability
- Problem-solving ability
- Presentation capacity and reporting
5. Description table of cognitive competence levels and orientation for sts’ progress:
Low application
(level 1)
High application
(level 2)
- Sts practice underlining linking between a consonant and a vowel
- Understand when use linking between a consonant and a vowel
- Understand the meanings of words in the sentences
- Know the way to rewrite the sentences using “ to infinitive”
- Understand the meanings of words in the sentences
- Apply the structure to rewrite the sentences
Know more about how independent are they
express their ideas
Apply the new words and structure to make conversation
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.
2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker
1. Warmup: (5 m)
Goal: Lead in the lesson
Tasks: T
Method: Work individually
- T plays a piece of song and asks sts to take notes the words that link the final consonants and initial vowels. 
- The winner is the person who has the most words in class
- T gives presents for the winner
- T leads into the new lesson.
Suggested answer: 
I've been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
2. Contents: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
ACTIVITY 1: Linking the final consonants and initial vowels in a sentence (5 m)
Aim: Sts practice listening skills and review how to link the final consonants and initial vowels in a sentence
Method: Work individually
 - Ask sts to practice reading sentences
- Check sts’ pronunciation and help sts say these sentences correctly
- Play the recording for sts to listen to the sentences and repeat
- T checks Ss’ answers
- Say the words linking the final consonants and initial vowels. 
- Listen and do the exercise, then cross check with their friends
1. He’s a teacher of English in an urban school.
2. My brother is well-informed about local issues. 
3. Most Americans use some forms of discipline for their children 
ACTIVITY 2: Linking the final consonants and initial vowels in a paragraph (5 m)
Aims: Sts practice listening skills and review how to link the final consonants and initial vowels in a paragraph.
Methods: Work individually
- Ask sts to read the paragraph below and link the final consonants and initial vowels. 
- Check sts’ pronunciation and help sts read correctly
- Play the recording for sts to listen to the sentences and check their answers
- Read and link
- Listen and check
Being independent is being able to take care of yourself, and not having to rely on anyone else. That is what many young people strive for. However, the ability to live independent does not develop naturally: you need a number of life skills to stop relying on your parents and older siblings. 
ACTIVITY 3: Completing the sentences (7 m)
Aims: Sts review some words related to the topics
Methods: Work individually and then in pairs
- Ask sts to do this task individually and then compare their answers with a partner.
- Call on some sts to write their answer on the board
- Ask other to give comments.
- Feedback
- Do the task individually and then compare with a partner.
- Write the answers on board.
- Give comments.
- Check and take notes
1. confident 2. well-informed
3. determined 4. decision
5. decisiveness 6. responsibly
7. Reliability 8. independent
ACTIVITY 4: Combining 2 sentences with to infinitive (10 m) 
Aims: Sts review how to write sentences with to infinitive after adjective
Methods: Work in pairs
- Give the instructions and review sts how to combine the 2 sentences with to V
- Ask sts to do the task in pairs
- Call on some sts to write their answers on board
- Ask others to give comments.
- Feedback
- Do as appointed
1. Denis was happy to receive a letter from his mother.
2. Ann was so lucky to pass the exam.
3. It’s impossible to learn a foreign language in one day
4. The students are very keen to take part in the Green Day activities.
5. It’s necessary for you to develop habits that will keep your body healthy and clean.
6. We are relieved to hear that Helen is feeling better now.
7. It’s difficult to guess what will happen.
8. It’s important to learn how to cope with loneliness.
10. Dave was very surprised to receive a birthday gift from an old friend
ACTIVITY 5:Rewriting the sentences with to V after nouns (10 m) 
Aims: Sts review how to write sentences with to infinitive after nouns
Methods: Work in groups
- Ask sts to works in groups of table to rewrite the sentences using the nouns in brackets and To - infinitives without changing the meaning of the sentences. 
- Ast sts to write the and on the sub-boards
- Call the sts in two tables using the sub-board – hang it on the board and check with the whole class.
- Feedback
- Do as appointed
 1. Their goal to win the first prize seems unrealistic.
2. Nobody knew about his dream to become a doctor.
3. Her failure to obey the school rules upset her parents very much.
4. Tania’s ability to speak three foreign languages is amazing.
5. Tom’s attempt to persuade his parents to allow him to join the club failed.
6. He made an effort to overcome any difficulties by himself. 
- Guide sts to do at home 
- Listen and take notes to do it at home
3. Consolidation and homework 
a. Consolidation: (1m)
- Teacher summaries main points of the lesson
- Students listen and add some more points
b. Homework: (1m)
- Do the task again	
- Prepare the next lesson at home.

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_11_thi_diem_unit_3_becoming_independen.docx