Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11 – Unit 1: The generation gap

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11 – Unit 1: The generation gap


Put the stress mark (') before the stressed syllable in these words. Then practise reading the sentences with the correct stress.

 1. If the children become independent, it will be good as they can make their own decisions whether they are right or wrong.

2. Some parents spend too little time communicating with and listening to their children.

3. Children have to discuss serious things or big decisions with their parents as it shows respect to them.

4. Corporal punishment is not allowed since this may cause a serious impact on their children’s development.

5. Every home should have a list of family rules which state expectations for behaviour.

6. It is important to inform the family before going out anywhere.


I. Match a type of family in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.

Answer Types of families Definitions


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Put the stress mark (') before the stressed syllable in these words. Then practise reading the sentences with the correct stress.
1.	If the children become independent, it will be good as they can make their own decisions whether they are right or wrong.
2.	Some parents spend too little time communicating with and listening to their children.
3.	Children have to discuss serious things or big decisions with their parents as it shows respect to them..
4.	Corporal punishment is not allowed since this may cause a serious impact on their children’s development.
5.	Every home should have a list of family rules which state expectations for behaviour.
6.	It is important to inform the family before going out anywhere.
I.	Match a type of family in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.
Types of families
1.	Nuclear family
A.	a family where one or more of the children has been adopted
2.	Extended family
B.	it consists of a husband and wife living and working together without any child
3.	Single-parent family
C.	an arrangement where divorced parents both have legal responsibility for their children. Children may alternatively live with both parents or live with one and have regular visitation with the other
4.	Blended family
D.	a family unit in which the grandparents raise their grandchildren for a variety of reasons. They need to go back to work or find additional sources of income to help raise their grandchildren.
5.	Childless family
E.	a family unit which includes grandparents, uncles, aunts in addition to parents and children
6.	Grandparent family
F.	a family where one or more of the children is legally a temporary member of the household
7.	Homosexual family
G.	a family unit in which a mother or father heads the family alone
8.	Adoptive family
H.	a family consisting of two parents and their children, not including grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.
9.	Foster family
I.	a family in which the adults are the same sex
10.	Co-custody family
J.	it is formed when a divorced or widowed parent remarries
II. Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. There are two extra words.
stressed	behave	fun	safe	easier
encouragement	skills	closer	precious	values
The benefits of family management also include:
-	bringing family members (1) _______________ together
-	making it (2) _______________ for grown-ups and children to talk
-	making everyone more organised and less (3) _______________
-	making the most of (4) _______________ time and finances
-	helping adults deal with the way children (5) _______________
-	providing a way of passing on your family (6) _______________
-	helping children develop important social (7) _______________ for life
-	helping your family find more time to have (8) _______________ together.
III. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
There are several steps that can help all family members be consistent to follow the rules.
-	Parents can (1) _______________ about what rules would help their family and agree which ones to set.
-	Parents can post the rules in the house so everyone can (2) _______________ them.
-	Parents can have conversations with other adults who (3) _______________ for their children about the rules. This helps make sure everyone knows what is allowed and not allowed.
-	Parents can (4) _______________ all other members to be consistent in following the rules.
-	Parents can (5) _______________ children about the rules. Repeating the rules and posting them in the home are all good ways to make children remember the rules.
IV. Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct word from the box.
respectful	babysitter	burden	siblings	impose
curfews	attitude	values	peacemaker	mature
1.	Research shows that rituals can strengthen your family’s _______________ and help pass them on to your children.
2.	Children object the fact that parents try to _______________ curfews and set time aside for studying sessions.
3.	A generation gap is usually defined as the difference in values, _______________ and behavior between one generation and the next.
4.	No hurting anyone’s feelings or body, and asking permission to borrow other people’s belongings are examples of _______________ behavior.
5.	As children get older and more _______________, the rules can develop with them.
6.	If household chores are shared, the _______________ is lighter on everyone.
7.	Family rules might include specific bedtimes, chores, _______________ and other behaviors.
8.	A _______________ is a person who tries to persuade people to stop arguing or fighting.
9.	A _______________ is a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away from home.
10.	I have three _______________: two brothers and a sister.
V. Fill in each blank in the essay about extended families with ONE suitable word.
Families are the most important parts of our society. If the families in a community are strong, it means this community is much more (1) _______________. In my opinion, having extended families to live together is the best for some reasons.
First of all, if you live in an extended family, it means there are always some people (2) _______________ are willing to help you whenever you need. It is very beneficial if you are in a bad situation. For instance, one of my friends lives with his grandfather. He had a terrible accident last week and his grandfather, who has been retired, looked (3) _______________ him all week. This experience (4) _______________ me think that, extended families are good for everyone when they need help.
Moreover, living in an extended family (5) _______________ an amazing opportunity to spend time together. When your relatives live far away from each other, therefore, you can see each other only on holidays. If you live with your extended family, you will have a (6) _______________ to spend more time with them.
Furthermore, it is good to live in extended families to share the house expenses. If you live in a city, you must pay rent, gas and electricity (7) _______________ as well as for credit cards... etc. It is really hard to pay them alone, but if you live with your extended family it means, you can share all the expenses.
In conclusion, living in an extended family brings a lot of (8) _______________. Members in extended families can help each other and have a(n) (9) _______________ to see each other. Because of all these reasons, it is better to live in an extended families than in a(n) (10) _______________ family.
VI.	Match each word (1-8) with another word (a-h) to make a compound noun, then fill in each blank the appropriate word corresponding to the meaning.
l. air	2. back	3. bed	4. country	5. day	6. dead	7. feed	8. ran
а. break	b. way	c. side	d. line	e. mail	f. ground	g. time	h. back
A. 	: the system for sending letters by plane
B. 	: the type of family you come from
C. 	: the time that you usually go to bed
D. 	: land which is away from the city
E. 	: the time in the early morning when light first appears
F. 	: a time before which something must be done
G. 	: opinion about something to inform whether it is successful or liked
H. 	: a long hard piece of ground where airplanes take off or land
VII.	You are having dinner with people you don’t know well. Which of the things below should you do and which shouldn't you do in your culture?
1.	You	speak with your mouth full.
2.	You	wait for the others before you start eating.
3.	You	eat with your fingers.
4.	You	make a noise when you drink something.
5.	You	use a spoon for soup.
6.	You	put your chopsticks and spoons on the plate when you finish.
VIII. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.
1.	In a park, you (must/mustn’t) _______________ walk on the grass.
2.	On a bus, you (must/mustn’t) _______________ talk to the driver.
3.	In a library, students (may/must) _______________ borrow up to six books.
4.	In an exam, students (must/mustn’t) _______________ answer all the questions.
5.	To ride a motorbike, students (must/have to) _______________ be over 16 years old.
6.	In a hotel, guests (must/ have to) _______________ use the exit only in an emergency.
IX.	Ann is still at school. Her brother, Ed, left school last year. Complete the conversation with have to / don’t have to and the verbs in the box.
answer	be	do	find	wear (x2)
worry	get up	write	try
Ann:	You’re so lucky! You (1) _______________ early every day and go to school.
Ed:	Yes, I know, but now I (2) _______________ a job.
Ann:	That’s not so bad. At least you (3) _______________ homework every night.
Ed:	Right, but I (4) _______________ application letters and make lots of phone calls. It’s boring!
Ann:	Not as boring as school! And you (5) _______________ a horrible uniform!
Ed:	Well, no, but I (6) _______________ smart clothes when I go to a job interview.
Ann:	Hmm... But you (7) _______________ the teacher’s questions all day.
Ed:	What about the questions at the interview? I (8) _______________ to answer those.
Ann:	OK, but you (9) _______________ about the exams.
Ed:	Well, I (10) _______________ good at my job all week, or my boss dismiss me!
I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Family rules help children understand which behaviors are acceptable and not acceptable. As children grow, they will be in places where they have to follow rules. Following rules at home can help children learn to follow rules in other places.
It is normal for children to break rules and test limits. Breaking a rule is a child’s way of learning about his world. Remember, young kids sometimes break rules because they simply forget. Not all broken rules occur because kids are testing the limits.
For family rules to work well, everyone needs to know, understand, and follow the rules. By doing this, children don’t get confused about the family rules. For example, you may feel that jumping on the bed is a dangerous behavior. You set a family rule that, “The bed will be used only for sitting, lying, or sleeping.” If another adult jumps on the bed, your child may be confused. Your child may think this behavior is sometimes okay. This is true for parents, grandparents, or any other adult in your child’s life.
The number of rules you set depends on your child’s ability to understand and remember. It is also hard for parents to consistently enforce lots of new rules. For young children, focus on only two or three of the most important rules at any one time. As your child learns a rule and is following it consistently, you can add new rules.
	T	F
1.	Family rules are useful for children’s future life. 	o	o
2.	Sometimes a child breaks the rule to experience the world around him. 	o	o
3.	All the children who break the rules are stubborn and bad. 	o	o
4.	Family rules should be applied the same to all members. 	o	o
5.	Young children are interested in new rules and follow them consistently. 	o	o
6.	It is difficult to set the same number of rules for all the families. 	o	o
II. Read the passage about parent teenager problems, and then answer the questions.
Parent Teenager Problems
Parent teenager problems are a common thing in most households. Reasons for problems between teenagers and parents vary greatly, and each situation is different another, but there are common reasons for parent teenager problems.
First, a teenager is getting bad grades at school. This can cause a problem because the parents of a teen who is not getting the best grades in school will be worried about him graduating from high school and getting into college. Also, if a teen gets bad grades, he probably will not get any scholarships for school, which can be a hardship on parents.
Next, a teen is hanging out with a bad crowd. A teenager who has friends that do things their parents do not approve of can end up doing those things too, and the teen's friends will probably not be received well by the parents.
Then, a parent who is very strict with their teenager will probably have problems with him at some point. It is important to be firm, but not very firm, since this may make a teenager want to rebel even more.
If you are having problems with your parents, you will probably want to fix them. Lack of communication causes a lot of problems between parents and teenagers. It is important for both parties to communicate. You should do things together with your parents, such as going to a movie or playing board games, or go to a family counselor.
Fixing a family problem might seem hard, but as long as everyone communicates his or her feelings, everything should work out in the end.
1.	What are the common reasons for parent teenager problems?
2.	What are the effects of bad grades of a teen at school?
3.	Why do parents worry when their teen is hanging out with a bad crowd?
4.	When does a teenager want to rebel?
5.	What are the ways to fix the problems between parents and their teens?
III. Read the passage about family rules, and then answer the questions.
Just like any institution, a family also needs rules. Rules are very important because they keep things in order. For a family, rules are as necessary as food and clothing. The rules are very important because they maintain peace and order in the family. For example, children should respect and listen to their parents.
If there are decisions to be made, for example, it is not only the parents who are going to decide especially if the children are already grown up. It would be better if everybody is involved in making the decision of important matters.
Rules are needed to maintain a harmonious relationship among family members. Parents are there the pillars of the family and to guide the children to be responsible and practise good values.
Rules teach children to become more responsible and have discipline not only at home but especially outside of the home. When there are rules to follow, the children will know what they should and should not do. Rules help to avoid conflict and misunderstanding that may lead to fights and aggression especially among children. Parents should set rules for the children to follow to avoid quarrels and fights. There are times when children fight over simple matters and this happens if the parents do not interfere but when parents set the rules and let the children follow there will be fewer or no conflicts.
1.	Why are family rules important?
2.	Who should be involved in making the decision of important matters?
3.	What is the role of parents in family life?
4.	What are the benefits of family rules for children?
5.	What can family rules prevent?
IV. Read the blog, and do the tasks that follow.
Teen Advice Blog. Share your worries and opinions with other teens.
Zoe: Posted yesterday at 17:10
Madonna Fan Mother
My problem is my mum! She’s really nice and I get on well with her. I sometimes argue with her about little things, but nothing important. All my friends love her - she’s great fun. When she was at my age, Madonna was really popular and Mum was a fan - she wore miniskirts and leggings, lots of jewellery, and dyed her hair blond. I think she wanted to be Madonna! She was only sixteen so it was okay. However, she still wears leggings and short denim skirts now, and I can’t stand it. She even uploads photos of herself onto her homepage, so all my online friends can see her. What can I do?
Benny: Posted today at 13:21
You’re lucky to have a cool mum - my mum is so conservative. She wears baggy jeans, and long skirts, and she never wears jewellery. Although she’s only thirty-seven, everybody thinks she’s older because her clothes are old-fashioned. One friend even thought she was my grandmother! Your mum should give my mum some fashion advice!
Jolie: Posted today at 11:10
I agree with you, Zoe. My problem is my father. He loves T-shirts with bad slogans like, “This is what a cool dad looks like.”
JJR: Posted today at 7:45
I think your mum’s cool. But why are you friends with her online??!!?? She’s your mother, not your friend!.
Zoe: Posted today at 21:01
My mum got me a fantastic new laptop for my birthday, so when she wanted to be my online friend, I couldn’t say no! Sometimes, she’s at work and I’m at home, and she wants to have a real-time chat with me online! I just go offline. I love chatting to my friends, but I can chat to Mum when I get home.
Ross: Posted yesterday at 17:26
Zoe, your mum wants to stay young, and why not? Her generation wore denim miniskirts before our generation. You say she’s great fun - that’s more important than the clothes she wears. Most parents don’t understand the virtual world, but you’re lucky - your mother has a homepage and knows how to use it. I think that’s great.
Task 1: What is Zoe’s problem? Circle the correct answer.
A.	She thinks her mother looks like Madonna.
B.	She wants a new laptop.
C.	She doesn’t like her mother’s clothes.
Task 2: Match the underlined words in the text with the definitions below.
1.	: a portable computer
2.	: connected to the Net
3.	: the first page on a website
4.	: disconnected from the Net
5.	: put something on the Net
6.	: in the present
Task 3: Read the blog again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
	T	F
1.	Zoe’s friends get on well with her mother. 	o	o
2.	Zoe’s mother wears normal clothes for per age. 	o	o
3.	Benny’s mother looks old for her age. 	o	o
4.	Jolie’s father likes slogans. 	o	o
5.	JJR thinks it’s okay for Zoe to be online friends with her mother. 	o	o
6.	Zoe likes chatting to her mother online. 	o	o
7.	Zoe couldn’t say no to her mother’s offer to be her online friend due to her 	o	o
	new laptop.
8.	Ross thinks Zoe’s mother is different from most other mothers. 	o	o
V. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Dating Customs Around the World
Dating is rare in Afghanistan because most marriages are arranged by parents, and schools are separate for boys and girls. The opportunities to meet are rare. Girls have a 7:00 pm curfew, while boys have an 11:00 pm curfew.
It is against the law to date in Iran. Teens are separated until they are of marrying age, then their families introduce them to each other and sometimes a courtship follows.
Most teens go out in large groups and don't pair off until they are 18 or 19 years old in Australia. Giris often ask boys out and pay for the date, too. Couples" often go to dinner parties, barbecues, or the beach.
Dating is usually a group event in Europe. In Spain, teens join a pandilla, a club for a group of friends with the same interests, like cycling or hiking. Dating is done one-to-one and both girls and boys ask each other out and split the cost of the evening's entertainment."
In Russia, dates take place at dances or at clubs where teens eat or chat with friends. As many as 30 teens may come to a cinema to attend a movie together. In small towns, teens meet in the streets downtown or gather around a fountain.
In Japan and Korea, most high school students don't date or go to parties, but spend their time studying instead. Dating begins in college, when only boys do the asking and pay for the dates.
1. In Muslim countries as Afghanistan and Iran, dating is __________.
	A. arranged by parents	B. introduced by families
	C. after a courtship	D. rare or prohibited
2. All of the following are true about dating in Australia EXCEPT that __________.
	A. they often go out in large groups
	B. only girls ask boys out and pay for the date
	C. they are not often in a relationship until the age of 18 or 19
	D. the most venues for dating are dinner parties, barbecues, or the beach
3. In Spain when having a date, teenagers __________.
	A. with the same interests often go to a club
	B. go cycling or hiking in pairs
	C. boys often pay for the cost of the entertainment
	D. join a pandilla to enjoy the evening’s entertainment
4. In Russia, teenagers __________.
	A. meet in the streets near their houses in small towns
	B. gather around in order to have a fountain
	C. have dating at cinemas, dances, or clubs
	D. may come to a cinema when the number of them is 30
5. In Japan and Korea, __________.
	A. female college students can ask boys for dating
	B. most college students concentrate on studying instead of dating
	C. dating is very rare for high school students
	D. high school students often go to parties and share the cost
I. Complete the conversation with the correct phrases/ clauses below.
A. sorry	D. I think that’s a bit unfair
B. I really think	E. In my opinion
C. I disagree	F. What do you think?
Mum:	I’ve told you to tidy your room 100 times!
Son:	I’m (1) _____________________, but I haven’t had time.
Mum:	Yes, you have. Saturday afternoon?
Son:	(2) _____________________ - I was at the cinema on Saturday.
Mum:	Well, you could do it now - (3) _____________________
Son:	(4) _____________________, now it isn’t a good time.
Mum:	(5) _____________________ - now it is perfect. Off you go!
Son:	Oh, Mum, (6) _____________________ it’s a bit unfair.
II.	Complete the conversation about fights between teenagers and their parents, using the responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A.	But these small things can make teens angry because they feel their parents don’t respect them and aren’t giving them space to do what they like.
B.	But when kids grow up and become teens, they develop their own identity that is different from their parents’.
C.	It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles, though. In the meantime, concentrate on communicating with your parents as much as you can.
D.	In most families, the fact that kids make their own decisions can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents.
E.	For example, if you are willing to clean your room in order to stay out an hour later, both you and your parents walk away with a good deal.
F.	The good news about fighting with parents is that they get more comfortable with the idea that their teens have a right to certain opinions and an identity that may be different from theirs.
G.	Oh, a lot. The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the posters on your bedroom walls, where you go, and the friends you have.
Sam: 	Nick, what fights are there between a teenager and the parents?
Nick: 	(1)	
Sam: 	Right. Our parents often make decisions about everything in our lives.
Nick: 	It’s a good thing because small kids need this kind of protection and assistance.
Sam: 	I agree with you. When we grow up, we can make our own decisions. Our parents aren’t used to the new situation yet. They only know us as the kid who had everything decided and didn’t mind.
Nick: 	(3)	
	. We want to cover our walls with new posters but they don’t understand why we don’t like the childish wallpaper anymore.
Sam: 	Clashes like these small things are very common between teens and parents.
Nick: 	(4)	
Sam: 	That’s right. And parents also get angry because they disagree with the teens’ decisions.
Nick: 	(5)	
I.	Complete the sentences without changing their meanings.
1.	It is important for all family members to discuss the rules.
All family members	.
2.	It is a good idea for young children to receive lots of encouragement to follow family rules.
Young children	.
3.	Children feel safe and secure with the daily routines.
The daily routines	.
4.	Every family member shares the household chores. The burden is lighter for everyone.
If	.
5.	It is a good idea to hold an informal family meeting to give family members a chance to suggest better ways to share household chores.
We	.
6.	My parents never refuse to allow me to take part in social activities at school and at the community.
I am	.
II.	An English teenager has asked you about your family rules and the importance of the family life. Complete the following letter of reply with the sentences provided. There are two extra ones.
A.	My friends encourage me when I am surrounded by problems.
B.	It teaches me the value of love, affection, care, truthfulness and self-confidence and provides me tools and suggestions which are necessary to get success in life.
C.	And my parents never let me stay up so much late at night.
D.	It helps me in improving my personality.
E.	I am always willing to tell you all about my family.
F.	And one more thing I have to follow is talking on the phone - that is I have to set a limit to my using of the phone.
G.	Now I am preparing for the coming tests in several subjects.
87 Tran Hung Dao Street 
Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam 
25th August, 20.....
Dear Anna,
I have received your letter and I feel so glad when knowing that you have passed your examinations with good marks. You want me to tell you about my family rules, and the importance of family in my life? (1)	
Family rules? It's an interesting topic, isn't it? It may be obvious that every family has its own rules, and mine has a few.
First, I'm allowed to watch TV during my free time, or when I have finished all my homework and exercises. (2)	
Next, my parents don't permit me to go out with my friends without necessary reasons, for example, my friends ’ birthdays.
Besides, I have to take a balanced diet to keep fit for my study. (3)	
For me, family is very important part of my everyday life. (4)	
	. It also helps me in shaping my life. (5)_____________________________________________________________________
I have told you something about my family rules. How about your family rules? Are you ready to let me know about it? I am really excited to hear about it. And I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes to you!
III.	Write complete sentences about parent-child conflicts, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1.	Parent-child conflicts/ occur/ many reasons.
2.	Resolving/ parent-child conflict/ require/ participation/ everyone involved.
3.	Communication/ very useful tool/ resolving conflicts.
4.	Parents/ try/ understand/ what/ a child/ think/ instead of/ criticize/ them/ all the time.
5.	Family rules/ appropriate and fair/ in order/ avoid conflicts.
IV. Write a blog reply to Bobby65.
My problem is I sometimes argue with my dad. When he was young, lie did his homework in his bedroom with no music or TV. He thinks I should do the same and he can’t stand it when I do my homework, listen to music, and I’m online, too. Although I can understand why he is worrying, I am very good at multitasking and I always do my homework and get good marks. I get on well with my dad, but this is one thing we can’t agree on. What can I do?
Note: - multitask (v) = to do different things at the same time
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1.	A. attitude	B. casual	C. financial	D. change
2.	A. objection	B. obey	C. impose	D. forbid
3.	A. privacy	B. pierce	C. advice	D. activity
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4.	A. elegant	B. argument	C. compassion	D. comfortable
5.	A. beneficial	B. conservative	C. experienced	D. responsible
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6.	Different people may have different ________ towards clothing because there are no global standards.
	A. ways	B. attitudes	C. thinking	D. behaviours
7.	Teenage is the period which is full of excitement, experiments and ________.
	A. conflicts	B. violence	C. enjoyment	D. opposing
8.	She considers people to be the products of the values and ________ of the society they live in.
	A. norms	B. requirements	C. situations	D. behaviours
9.	Conflict or fighting between parents also has a negative ________ on children’s sense of safety and security.
	A. act	B. power	C. impact	D. force
10.	________ is the state of being a father.
	A. Father	B. Father-in-law	C. Fatherhood	D. Fatherland
11.	According to the school regulations, you ________ go to school on time on the weekday.
	A. should	B. must	C. have to	D. can
12.	Children ________ break the rules, or quarrel with parents.
	A. must	B. mustn’t	C. have to	D. don’t have to
13.	“You ________ come back home before curfew, or you’ll get punishment, son.”
	A. should	B. shouldn’t	C. must	D. don’t have to
14.	We ________ do fun things together as a family on a regular basis.
	A. should	B. mustn’t	C. shouldn’t	D. have to
15.	You ________ spit in any situation, or anywhere.
	A. have to	B. don’t have to	C. must	D. mustn’t
IV.	Fill In each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.
disapproval	reaction	situation	personality
impact	misunderstanding	devices	technologies
Generation gap is a problem of many people, and almost everybody experiences it. Every generation has (16) ___________, conflicts and problems with other generations.
Every next generation understands the modem world better. They study new (17) ___________better and faster than previous generations. Be sure that your child understands everything and knows a lot about modem life.
Parents think that they know everything about the world and want to save their children from negative influence of the world and society in particular. They want to prevent negative experience of their children. But just the opposite thing happens. The protest is the (18) ___________of teens on such care.
But what should be done to maintain positive atmosphere in the family? First of all, parents should understand that their child is a well-formed (19) ___________that has his/her own needs. Some of these needs should be satisfied. You must explain to your child what is wrong

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