Giáo án tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Tiết 13: Reading "Volunteer work" - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Tiết 13: Reading "Volunteer work" - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Get more knowledge about volunteer works to help those in need

2. Skills: Develop reading’s skills

3. Attitude:

 - Serious, positive, proactive, independent to take part in group activities.

 - Showing passion & excitement in studying

 - Cultivate morality, love people, and love their homeland

4. Competence:

- Self-study ability

- Problem-solving ability

- Presentation capacity and reporting


1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.

2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker


docx 8 trang Đoàn Hưng Thịnh 03/06/2022 5014
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Preparing date
(TỰ CHỌN 13)
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
- Get more knowledge about volunteer works to help those in need
2. Skills: Develop reading’s skills
3. Attitude: 
	- Serious, positive, proactive, independent to take part in group activities.
	- Showing passion & excitement in studying
	- Cultivate morality, love people, and love their homeland
4. Competence: 
- Self-study ability
- Problem-solving ability
- Presentation capacity and reporting
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.
2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker
1. Warmup: (7m)
Goal: Lead sts into the topic of the lesson
Tasks: Ask and answer
Method: Individually
Call on some sts and ask question in Task 5 – Reading Unit 4 (students’ book – page 50).
Ask other to give comments & Feedback
Suggested answer: 
We can:
- Play games with them 
- Listen to their problems 
- Give them encouragement 
- Offer them gifts 
- Help them with their study 
	- Lead into the lesson
2. Contents: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
ACTIVITY 1: Read the text and choose the best answer (10m)
Aim: Sts practice reading skill to do MCQs task and understand more about VNAH
Method: Pair works
- Ask sts to work in pair and do exercise 1 – Workbook page 29.
- Explain some new words if necessary.
- Call on some pair to give their answer and explain why.
- Ask other to give comments.
- Feedback
- Work in pair to do as appointed.
- Give the answer and explain.
- Give comments.
- Check and take notes.
Suggested answer: 
1. D	2. A	3. A	4. C
5. B	6. D	7. C	8. B
ACTIVITY 2: Read the text and decide whether the statement are true or false (10m)
Aims: Sts develop skimming skill to find details
Methods: Work in group of 4 ( a table of sts)
- Ask sts to read the text again and do exercise 2 – Workbook page 30.
- Ask sts to find the answer individually and then exchange their answers with their partners.
- Call on some sts to write their answers on board
- Ask others to give comments
- Feedback
- Do the exercise individually and then in pairs.
- Write the answers on board
- Give comments.
- Check and take notes.
Suggested answer: 
1. T	2. F	3. F	4. T	5. T
3. Consolidation and homework 
a. Consolidation: (2m)
- Teacher summaries main points of the lesson
- Students listen and add some more points
b. Homework: (1m)
- Do the task again	
- Prepare the next lesson
4. 15 Minutes Test 1: (15m)
	a. Paper:
I. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d
1. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.
a. bring along 	b. get on with
c. keep up with 	d. look after
2. She had never imagined being able to visit such remote countries.
a. foreign 	b. faraway
c. friendly 	d. desolate
3. I've heard a lot about Dr. James, and I'm looking forward ______ his talk tomorrow.
a. hear 	b. hearing
c. to hear 	 	d. to hearing
4. English classes will be set up for the disadvantaged children.
a. built 	b. started
c. chosen 	d. taken
5. Only highly _______ people are capable of discussing these subjects.
a. interesting 	b. common
c. literate 	d. business
II. Choose the sentence- a, b, c or d – which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
6. Jeanne ran into her old friend downtown last month.
a. Jeanne went downtown to meet her old friend.
b. Jeanne had to drive her old friend downtown last month.
c. Jeanne met her old friend downtown unexpectedly.
d. Jeanne's car crashed into her friend's last month.
7. You should have persuaded him to change his mind.
a. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn't.
b. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen.
c. You didn't persuade him to change because he didn't mind.
d. It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind.
8. I would never have lent Romelu my car if I had known that he had a past record of driving violations.
a. I refused to lend Romelu my car.
b. Romelu got a speeding ticket while driving my car.
c. I knew nothing about Romelu's driving record, so I lent him my car.
d. Romelu drove my car without his driver's license.
9. The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife.
a. The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife.
b. The man was found murdered by his wife.
c. The court found a murdered man and his wife.
d. The court decided that the man had killed his wife.
10. Had I known more about computer programming, I would have worked for a computer company.
a. A better knowledge of computer programming will help me find a job in a computer company.
b. I didn't know much about computer programming, so I didn't work for a computer company.
c. I wish I knew more about computer programming and could work for a computer company.
d. Knowing more about computer programming, I would find a job in a computer company.
I. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences:
1. All the teachers work on an entirely ______ basis.
a. volunteer 	b. volunteered
c. voluntary 	d. voluntarily
2. They volunteer to take care of children who have been ______ by the AIDS epidemic.
a. supported 	b. suffered
c. left 	d. orphaned
3. It's filthy in here! Are there any volunteers to help ______?
a. light up 	 	b. clean up
c. clear up 	d. take up
4. The new law allows school districts to spend more money on less ______ children.
a. advantageous 	b. disadvantageous
c. advantaged 	d. disadvantaged
5. Thirty-five people _______ killed in that traffic accident.
a. reported to be 	b. are reporting to be
c. are reported being 	d. are reported to be
II. Choose the sentence- a, b, c or d – which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
6. Jeanne ran into her old friend downtown last month.
a. Jeanne went downtown to meet her old friend.
b. Jeanne had to drive her old friend downtown last month.
c. Jeanne met her old friend downtown unexpectedly.
d. Jeanne's car crashed into her friend's last month.
7. You should have persuaded him to change his mind.
a. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn't.
b. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen.
c. You didn't persuade him to change because he didn't mind.
d. It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind.
8. I would never have lent Romelu my car if I had known that he had a past record of driving violations.
a. I refused to lend Romelu my car.
b. Romelu got a speeding ticket while driving my car.
c. I knew nothing about Romelu's driving record, so I lent him my car.
d. Romelu drove my car without his driver's license.
9. The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife.
a. The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife.
b. The man was found murdered by his wife.
c. The court found a murdered man and his wife.
d. The court decided that the man had killed his wife.
10. Had I known more about computer programming, I would have worked for a computer company.
a. A better knowledge of computer programming will help me find a job in a computer company.
b. I didn't know much about computer programming, so I didn't work for a computer company.
c. I wish I knew more about computer programming and could work for a computer company.
d. Knowing more about computer programming, I would find a job in a computer company.
I. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d
1. Many university students _______ spent their summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and write.
a. freely 	b. consciously
c. gradually 	d. voluntarily
2. There was a gradual _______ in the number of both males and females who were literate in the Lowlands.
a. rise 	b. raise
c. arise 	d. risen
3. Most students felt that _______ respect in the classroom was essential.
a. mutual 	b. annual
c. actual 	d. continuous
4. Jeanne appears _______ some weight. Has she been ill?
a. having lost 	b. having been lost
c. to have lost 	d. to have been lost
5. Hardly _______ to the bus-stop when the bus suddenly pulled away.
a. did they get 	b. they had got
c. they got 	d. had they got
II. Choose the sentence- a, b, c or d – which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
6. Jeanne ran into her old friend downtown last month.
a. Jeanne went downtown to meet her old friend.
b. Jeanne had to drive her old friend downtown last month.
c. Jeanne met her old friend downtown unexpectedly.
d. Jeanne's car crashed into her friend's last month.
7. You should have persuaded him to change his mind.
a. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn't.
b. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen.
c. You didn't persuade him to change because he didn't mind.
d. It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind.
8. I would never have lent Romelu my car if I had known that he had a past record of driving violations.
a. I refused to lend Romelu my car.
b. Romelu got a speeding ticket while driving my car.
c. I knew nothing about Romelu's driving record, so I lent him my car.
d. Romelu drove my car without his driver's license.
9. The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife.
a. The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife.
b. The man was found murdered by his wife.
c. The court found a murdered man and his wife.
d. The court decided that the man had killed his wife.
10. Had I known more about computer programming, I would have worked for a computer company.
a. A better knowledge of computer programming will help me find a job in a computer company.
b. I didn't know much about computer programming, so I didn't work for a computer company.
c. I wish I knew more about computer programming and could work for a computer company.
d. Knowing more about computer programming, I would find a job in a computer company.
I. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d
1. Most students felt that _______ respect in the classroom was essential.
a. mutual 	b. annual
c. actual 	d. continuous
2. Jeanne appears _______ some weight. Has she been ill?
a. having lost 	b. having been lost
c. to have lost 	d. to have been lost
3. Hardly _______ to the bus-stop when the bus suddenly pulled away.
a. did they get 	b. they had got
c. they got 	d. had they got
4. All the teachers work on an entirely ______ basis.
a. volunteer 	b. volunteered
c. voluntary 	d. voluntarily
5. They volunteer to take care of children who have been ______ by the AIDS epidemic.
a. supported 	b. suffered
c. left 	d. orphaned
II. Choose the sentence- a, b, c or d – which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
6. Jeanne ran into her old friend downtown last month.
a. Jeanne went downtown to meet her old friend.
b. Jeanne had to drive her old friend downtown last month.
c. Jeanne met her old friend downtown unexpectedly.
d. Jeanne's car crashed into her friend's last month.
7. You should have persuaded him to change his mind.
a. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn't.
b. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen.
c. You didn't persuade him to change because he didn't mind.
d. It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind.
8. I would never have lent Romelu my car if I had known that he had a past record of driving violations.
a. I refused to lend Romelu my car.
b. Romelu got a speeding ticket while driving my car.
c. I knew nothing about Romelu's driving record, so I lent him my car.
d. Romelu drove my car without his driver's license.
9. The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife.
a. The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife.
b. The man was found murdered by his wife.
c. The court found a murdered man and his wife.
d. The court decided that the man had killed his wife.
10. Had I known more about computer programming, I would have worked for a computer company.
a. A better knowledge of computer programming will help me find a job in a computer company.
b. I didn't know much about computer programming, so I didn't work for a computer company.
c. I wish I knew more about computer programming and could work for a computer company.
d. Knowing more about computer programming, I would find a job in a computer company.
b. Keys:
10B1 (10 x 1 = 10points)
Hướng dẫn
Hướng dẫn
1. d
take care of sb = look after sb: chăm sóc
6. c
run into sb: vô tình, tình cờ gặp ai đó;
2. b
remote = faraway: xa xôi, hẻo lánh;
7. a
3. d
8. c
4. b
set up ~ start
9. a
innocent = not guilty: vô tội;
5. c
literate: có học, hay chữ; biết đọc biết viết;
10. b
10B6 (10 x 1 = 10points)
Hướng dẫn
Hướng dẫn
1. c
voluntary (adj): tự nguyện, tình nguyện;
6. c
run into sb: vô tình, tình cờ gặp ai đó;
2. d
orphan: (làm cho) mồ côi
7. a
3. b
clean up: dọn dẹp, vệ sinh;
8. c
4. c
9. a
innocent = not guilty: vô tội;
5. d
report: báo cáo, thông báo;
10. b
10B7 (10 x 1 = 10points)
Hướng dẫn
Hướng dẫn
1. d
voluntarily: tình nguyện;
6. c
run into sb: vô tình, tình cờ gặp ai đó;
2. a
rise: sự tăng, gia tăng;
7. a
3. a
mutual respect: sự tôn trọng lẫn nhau;
8. c
4. c
appear to V: tỏ ra, có vẻ, dường như;
9. a
innocent = not guilty: vô tội;
5. d
(cấu trúc Hardly when )
10. b
10B8 (10 x 1 = 10points)
Hướng dẫn
Hướng dẫn
1. a
mutual respect: sự tôn trọng lẫn nhau;
6. c
run into sb: vô tình, tình cờ gặp ai đó;
2. c
appear to V: tỏ ra, có vẻ, dường như;
7. a
3. d
(cấu trúc Hardly when )
8. c
4. c
voluntary (adj): tự nguyện, tình nguyện;
9. a
innocent = not guilty: vô tội;
5. d
orphan: (làm cho) mồ côi
10. b
_____ The end_____

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