Đề cương ôn thi học kì I môn Tiếng Anh 11

Đề cương ôn thi học kì I môn Tiếng Anh 11

A. Language focus:

1. Phonetics: - Pronunciation: strong and week forms, contracted forms, linking, elision of week vowels, falling and rising intonation

 2 Grammar: -Modal verbs

 - Linking verbs

 - Cleft sentences

 - To-infinitives after certain Adjectives and Nouns

 - The past simple and the present perfect tenses

 - Gergunds, State verbs in continuous forms

3. Vocabulary: unit 1 unit 5

B. Skills:

1. Reading: - Reading comprehension. (Multiple choice), Gap filling

2. Writing: - Sentence transformation, sentence combination, error recognition.

3. Speaking: language function


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NEW ENGLISH 11 (2020-2021)
Language focus:
1. Phonetics: - Pronunciation: strong and week forms, contracted forms, linking, elision of week vowels, falling and rising intonation
 2 Grammar: -Modal verbs
 - Linking verbs
	 - Cleft sentences
	 - To-infinitives after certain Adjectives and Nouns
	 - The past simple and the present perfect tenses
	 - Gergunds, State verbs in continuous forms
3. Vocabulary: unit 1à unit 5
B. Skills:
1. Reading: - Reading comprehension. (Multiple choice), Gap filling
2. Writing: - Sentence transformation, sentence combination, error recognition.
3. Speaking: language function
A. childcare	B. privacy	C. mature	D. elegant
A. compassion	B. progress	C. discussion	D. pressure
A. achievement	B. appearance	C. enthusiastic	D. initiative
A. engage	B. achievement	C. confidence	D. permission
A. potential	B. psychologist	C. oppose	D. contribution
A. initiative	B. confidence	C.enthusiastic	D. tension
A. reaction	B. achievement	C.matchmaking	D. enthusiastic
A. advice	B. reconciled	C. incident	D. decisive
A. contact	B. initiative	C. interact	D. lifetime
A. prioritise	B. privacy	C. strive	D. determined	
A. wisely	B. width	C. wisdom	D. confident
A. possession	B. discussion	C. profession	D. decision
.A. curfew	B. burden	C. mature	D. curtain
A. motivated	B. prioritize	C. confident	D. conflict
A. childcare	B. blind	C. integrate	D. decisive
A. afford	B. assistant	C. date	D. comfortable
A. bloc	B. govern	 C. constitution	D. motto 
A. state	B. stable 	C. association 	D. stability
A. charter 	B. chance 	C. charity 	D. brochure 
A. discuss 	B. mission 	C. message 	D. successful
A. confident 	B. important 	C. together 	D. exciting
A. curfew	B. conflict	C. control	D. homestay
 A. charity 	B. talented 	C. dominate	D. contribute
A. enquire 	B. enroll 	C. donate 	D. donor
A. protective 	B. contribute 	C. motivate 	D. priority
A. schedule 	B. struggle 	C. deadline 	D. impaired
 A. management 	B. stimulate	C. advertise 	D. overcome
A. attitude	B. argument	C. relevant	D. assistant
 A.interact	B. concentrate	C.counsellor	D. influence
A. international	B. interpersonal	C.intelligently	D. intellectually
 A. determined	B.examine	C.reliant	D. medicine
 A. loneliness	B. management	C. confident	D. protective
 A. difficulty	B. community	C. ability	D. effectively
 A. counselor	B. decisive	C. confident	D. discipline
 A. management	B. protective	C. respectful	D. reliant
 A possible. 	B. university 	C. secondary 	D. suitable
A. solidarity 	B. cooperation 	C. opportunity 	D. popularity 
A. heritage 	B. integrate 	C. intervene 	D. principle
A. dominate	B. scholarship	C. principle	D. stability
A. athlete	B. charter	C. region	D. success
Volunteers lend a hand to the ________ by helping those who have been affected by Agent Orange.
	A. community	B. commune	C. surroundings	D. habitat
Teachers and councilor work with ______ students to find out specific need.
	A. disable	B. disabled	C. disability	D. disabilities
There is hope the disabled boy will soon be able to ______ into an inclusive school and attend regular education classes with a mixed group of children.
	A. combine	B. include	C. integrate	D. accept
The people who can't hear are the ____.
	A. dumb	B. deaf	C. blind	D. mentally retarded
 A________ is a series of actions intended to achieve a goal.
A. campaign	B. impairment	C. donation	D. condition
I used to ___________ children who wanted to do a sport.
	A. volunteer	B. change	C. coach	D. improve
 No one can’t stop him from reaching his dream. He is really a ______ person.
	A. decisive	B. responsible	C. reliable	D. determined
 Teenagers ought to live________. It is impossible to rely on their parents all times.
	A. indenpendent	B. independently	C. dependently	D. independence
A wheelchair is needed for the person with _________impairments.
	A. visual	B. hearing	C. speech	D. mobility
_________ is a condition in which a part of a person’s body or mind does not work well because of physical or mental damage
	A. Campaign	B. Impairment	C. Integration	D. Condition
 Many experts believe that noise is the cause of approximately half of all cases of _____ loss.
	A. visual	B. hearing	C. cognitive	D. speaking
Self-awareness which is knowledge about strengths, weaknesses, and special _______ is very important to disabled children.
	A. talents	B. efficiency	C. attractive	D. events
A _______ is a word or group of words often used in campaigns to attract people’s attention.
	A. donation	B. slogan	C. record	D. monitor
Before you start cooking, you should gather together all the necessary_____. 
	A. ingredients 	B. substances 	C. elements 	D.factors
Teens should have the ability to __________ loneliness.
	A. deal	B. cope with	C. set up	D. look after
16. You will get into trouble if you come back home after the ____.
A. norm 	B. curfew 	C. value 
17. She doesn't want to waste her money on clothes, so she ignores the ____ fashion trend. 
A. comfortable 	B. current 	C. mature 
18. When you ride a motorbike, you must ____ the general road rules. 
A. judge 	B. force 	C. obey 	D. make
19. I decided to get my nose ____ last week. 
A. pierced 	B. forbade 	C. afforded 	D. run
20. Instead of ____ someone by their appearance, you should get to know them better. 
A. swearing 	B. judging 	C. controlling 	D. asking
21. Having two children in a family is becoming the ____ in some Asian countries. 
A. norm 	B. privacy 	C. conflict 	D. prominence
22. For a change, why don't you ____ your hair red? 
A. control 	B. force 	C. dye 	D. turn
23. My parents do not want me to wear ____ dresses because they think that they aren't suitable for my age. 
A. tight 	B. casual 	C. rude 	D. long
24. I don't understand why you like ____ clothes. They are too bright and young for your age. 
A. flashy 	B. fashionable 	C. comfortable 	D. uncomfortable
25. She whispered a ____ that her sibling wouldn't die. 
	A. sibiling 	B. burden 	C. mumble D. prayer
 IV. GRAMMAR: choose the best answer: 	
1.Now I __________ how difficult dancing is, so I’ll never criticize your performance any more.
A. am knowing	B. knows	C. know	D. am known
2.Passengers ___ smoke until the signs have been switched off.
A. mustn’t	B. can’t	C. needn’t	D. mightn’t
3.. There are a lot of tickets left, so you ___ pay for the tickets in advance.
A. mustn’t	B. won’t	C. shouldn’t	D. don’t have to
4. You ___ put anything on the shelves until the glue has set hard.
A, couldn’t	B. mustn’t	C. don’t have to	D. needn’t
5. You ___ wash the car. I just had it done yesterday.
A. mustn’t	B. needn’t	C. must	D. may not
6. It’s a secret. You ___ let anyone know about it.
A. mustn’t	B. needn’t	C. mightn’t	D. may not
7. Secondary school students nowadays ____ wear uniform.
A. have to	B. need to	C. should	D. could
8. We _____ open the lion's cage. It is contrary to Zoo regulations. 
 A. must 	B. mustn't 	C. needn't 	D. should 
9.Our teacher ______ in this school for 30 years.
A. has taught	B. has teached	C. taught D. had taught
10.He always completes his tasks on time, and never needs _________ about assignments and other schoolwork.
A. to remind	B. to be remind	C. to be reminded	D. to be reminding
11.While most of students gave up, he _____the whole night on a hard Maths problem and solved it in the end.
	A. spent 	B. took	C. had	D. made
12.Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones _________ .
 A. repair 	B. to repair	 	C. repairing	D. repaired
13.It's possible _______ a train across Canada.
 A. take	B. to take 	 	C. taking 	D. to be taken
14.Now that we've finished painting the house, there is nothing left ________.
A. to do 	B. for doing 	C. to be done 	 	D. for being done
15.Before we leave, let's have Shelley ________ a map for us so we won't get lost.
A. draw 	B. to draw 	C. drawing 	 	D. drawn
16.I can hear a cat ________ at the window.
A. scratches	B. to scratch 	C. scratching 	 	 D. was scratching
17.I think your mother should let you __________ your own mind.
A. make up 	B. to make up 	C. making up 	D. made up
18.The police never found the money __________in the robbery. 
A. stealing 	B. be stolen 	C. steal 	D. stolen
19.Do you know what made so many people _________ their home?
A. evacuate 	 	B. to evacuate	C. evacuated 	D. be evacuated
20.________ bread, you usually need flour, salt, and yeast.
A. Make 	B. To make 	C. Making 	D. For make
21.We saw our favorite ballet _________ at the theater last night.
A. perform 	B. performing 	C. performed 	D. in performing
22.He was never heard _________ 'thank you' in his life.
A. say 	B. to say 	C. saying	D. said
23.I was delighted ________ my old friends again.
A.. to see 	B. seeing 	C. seen 	D. to be seen
24.__________ to friends is nice but __________alone is also enjoyable.
 A. Talk / to be 	B. To talk / be 	C. Talk / be 	D. Talking / being
25.I'd rather _________ to Elvis than the Beatles.
 A. listen 	B. to listen 	C. listening	D. listened
26.I can make myself _________pretty well in English.
 A. understand 	B. to understand 	C. understanding 	D. understood
27.I'm sorry ____ that your enterprise has been declared bankrupt. 
A. to hear	B. for hearing 	C. hear	D. All are correct 
28. I feel very proud ____ an important part of the English club. 
A. to be 	B. of be	C. being	D. is 
29. It is great that you ____ for my organization. I hope you'll gain more experience here.
A. to work 	B. working 	C. can work 	D. works 
30. We appreciated more opportunities ____ part in the story-telling contest. 
A. giving/to take	B. to give/taking 	C. given/to take	D. being given/to take 
31. Don't expect that everyone will agree with you. That is unreasonable.
A. Everyone is reasonable to agree with you.B. It is unreasonable to expect that everyone will agree with you.
C. It is unreasonable not to expect that everyone will agree with you.
D.It is unreasonable expecting that everyone will agree with you.
32. Don't touch that button. It is dangerous.
A. It is dangerous touching that button. 	B. It is dangerous to touch that button.
C. It is dangerous not to touch that button. D.It is dangerously to touch that button 
Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Mary and John have a lot in common .
 A. live together 	B. spends lots of time together C. share similar ideals D. share house
2.When couples encounter problems ,they may wonder when it is appropriate to visit a marriage counsellor
 A. advisor 	B. professor 	C.director 	D. trainer 
3.Domestic violence is strictly forbidden all over the world .
 A. permitted B.restricted C.limited 	D. prohibited 
4.We greatly respect my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us .
 A. look up to B. look forwards C.look for 	D.look down on
5.Young college and university students participate in helping the poor who have suffered badly in wars or natural disasters .
 A. interfere with B. joins hands C. get involved in D. come into 
6.The scholarship is renewed annually and may be stopped if the student have poor academic records or bad behaviors
 A. every day B. every month C. every year D. every week 
7.Many volunteers have taken part in our programme since the campaign was launched. 
A. introduced	B. broadcast	C. produced	D. instructed
8.Since I was a little child, my parents have encouraged me to voice my opinion. 
A. take	B. lend an ear	C. speak out	D. make
9. I would like to take part in the competitions like these?
	A. contests	B. rivals	C. participation	D. races
10..People are now raising money for flood victims.
A. sending 	B. collecting C. paying D. making
Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Viet Nam is famous for World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient Town .
 A. honoured 	B. popular 	C. well-known D.unknown 
2. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.
 A. look after	B. take part in	C. organize	D. clean up
3.Viet Nam and Laos will closely cooperate to strengthen the solidarity of ASEAN and enhance the vital role of the group in regional security structure .
 A. agreement B.cooperation C.seperation 	 D.fellowship
4.If you live in an extended family ,you will have great joy and get support of other members .
 A. close family B. traditional family C. nuclear family D. large family 
5.Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences .
 A.optimistic B.elegant C.close - knit 	D.narrow –minded 
6.I regretted not to buy those trendy shoes through lack of money .
 A. shortage 	B. abundance C. scarcity D. deficiency
7. He is a wonderful example of a kind – hearted person with good judgement .
 A. inhuman 	B.tolerant C.generous 	D. sympathetic 
8.Miss Walker was a mature lady when she got married .
 A. annoyed B.childish C.energetic D. sensitive 
9.Her parents don’t think she should wear flashy clothes every day. 
A. fashionable	B. sparkling	C. expensive	D. casual
10.You should take initiative and engage your classmates in friendly converation. 
A. act after other people	B. pioneer	C. act before other people 	D. all are correct.
VI. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that needs correction.
1. You (A) have to (B) made sure that children (C) don't play outside alone. 
2. You (A) mustn't (B) uses the motorbike without a driver's license. It's (C) against the law. 
3. Drivers (A) haven't (B) to stop at (C) yellow traffic lights. 
4. You (A) ought (B) to taking him (C) to the emergency room. 
5. During the lesson, (A) does you (B) have (C) to listen to your teacher carefully and take notes quickly. 
6. Students (A) don't have to (B) consume (C) food or drink in the class or in the library. 
7. Get out of the grass! (A) You (B) must walk on the grass (C) here. 
8. The baby (A) is sleeping. (B) You (C) don't have to shout. 
9. Lien, we (A) must (B) are (C) quicker or we will miss the last train to Hai Phong city. 
10. You (A) have to (B) feed the dog. (C) I've already fed it. 
11.When conflicts happen (A), we sit together and discuss (B). We need understanding (C) each other (D) better.
12.Friends advised her to stop (A) doing (B) the housework (C) because (D) her old age.
13.The (A) heavy rain made it (B) possible (C) for us to (D) have our picnic. 
14.We all (A) know that (B) we have to work hardly (C) to support (D) the family.	
15.It’s (A) high (B) time we (C) should study (D) for the examination.	
16.If you make (A) a five-days (B) trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters (C) a different time zone (D) everyday.
17.Playing the (A) football and doing (B) sports are excellent ways for (C) disabled children to get exercise (D).
18.It (A) took (B) me five minutes (C) getting (D) to school.
19.Since (A) I begin (B) school, I haven't had (C) much (D) spare time.
20.When he arrived at (A) the furniture (B) shop, they had been sold (C) the table he wanted (D).
VII. LANGUAGE FUNCTION: Indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
1. Would you mind if I opened the windows? It's too stuffy in here. 
A. Yes, of course.	B. No, please do.	C. I think it is OK.	D. You look so tired. 
2. Could you show me how to get to the nearest train station from here?
A. I'm not certain but it's maybe at the end of the street. 	B. I totally agree with you. 
C. Sorry, I never know you.	D. I'm busy. now. 
3. From my point of view, all family members should share the chores equally.
A. It's a breathtaking view. 	B. You lied to me. 	C. But you're right.	D. There's no doubt about it. 
4. I've been awarded a scholarship to Harvard University. 
A. Just kidding!	B. It's up to you. 	C. Good job!	D. Same to you. Thanks!
5. Don't forget to finish your homework before class.
A. I'll do it later. 	B. Not much. 	 C. It's quite difficult.	D. Thank you for reminding me.
6. “You look so sad. ____” – “I couldn't have my parent's permission.” 
A. Can you help me?	B. How do you deal with it?	 C. What's the problem?	D. What should I do? 
7. “I can't understand why my parents don't allow me to play with boys.” – “____”
A. Me also. 	B. Me either. 	C. Me neither. 	D. Me too 
8. “Why don't we talk to Mr Green first? I think he can help.” – “____”
A. Good idea. 	B. I understand. 	C. Yes, thanks.	D. You are wrong. 
9. “Hello. ____” – “Hello. Hold on please. I get you through.” 
A. Can I meet Mr Green?B. Can I take Mr Green's number?C. May I speak to Mr Green?D. Where is Mr Green's room? 
10. "Can you help Carol to persuade her parents?” – “____”
A. I think so.	B. Not completely. 	C. Yes, I'm afraid not.	D. Why not? 
11. "Is it going to rain tomorrow?” – “____”
A. I think not.	B. I bet. 	C. Just a moment.	D. I don't hope so. 
12. "You look very pretty in this dress." – “____”
A. It's so nice of you to say that. B. Yes, it is fairly expensive.C. I see what you mean.	D. Thanks for your wish.
13. “Huy hasn't finished his assignment, has he?" – “____”
A. Yes, he has. He hasn't finished it yet. 	B. Yes, he hasn't. He's too lazy. 
C. No, he has in spite of being a good student.	D. No, he hasn't because of his illness. 
14. “When will our factory be expanded?” – “____”
A. It was expanded in 1996. B. It depends on our director's decision. C. I didn't hear about it.	D. That's good news. 
15. “You're late again, Peter.” – “____”
A. It's none of your business. 	B. Only 5 minutes left. 
C. I'm sorry. My car was broken this morning.	D. I expect not to be fired. 
16. “Let's join hands to help the lonely elderly in our neighbourhood!” – “____”
A. By all means, we can't.	B. It's true for now. C. You're welcome!	D. Yes, let's plan on it. 
17. "What a charitable deed you have, Mary!" – “____”
A. I don't like your sayings.B. It's nice of you to say so. C. You are a liar.	D. Thank you very much, I'm afraid. 
18." Can you tell me the way to Hoa Binh Orphanage?" – “____” 
A. It's about two kilometres.	B. It opens at nine o'clock. 
C. Go straight and turn to the first left. 	D. You can walk or go there by taxi. 
19. "Can students from other schools join “Special Christmas Gifts” campaign, Maria?" - "____” 
A. Great idea! What a meaningful gift! 	B. Oh, how can they lend us a hand? 
C. It is very kind of you to say so.	D. Sure, a few other schools have already joined us. 
20. "How often do you visit the nursing home for the elderly?" – “____”
A. Every two weeks.	B. From that bus stop over there.	C. Much often.	D. Twice or three times.
VIII. Writing: 
Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given sentence.
1. He worked out the answer. It was clever of him.
 It was .
2. Marie always pays her bills regularly. She's careful that way.
 Marie is always careful ..
3. He was crossing the road. I caught sight of him.
 I noticed ..
4. When we finally heard that David had arrived, we were very relieved.
 We were ...
5. Why have you thrown up your job? You're mad.
 You are . 
6. Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this. 
 I saw .
7. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.
 We are . 
8. Contacting her at work is usually quite easy.
 It is . 
9. The house shook violently and all of us felt that.
 All of us ... 
10. Can you sign the papers please? They are ready now.
 The papers are .
11. Don't lend Tom any money. That would be most unwise.
 You would be ..
12. Mr. Pinchley doesn’t allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings.
 Mr. Pinchley makes .	 
13. What I want to do is start my own business. I’m keen.
 I am . 
14. Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike.
 Harry’s parents didn’t let . 
15. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
 It’s impossible .
Indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
1. Nobody in the class is as tall as Mike.
A. Everybody in the class is taller than Mike. 	B. Somebody in the class may be shorter than Mike. 
C. Mike is the tallest student in the class. 	D. Mike may be taller than most students in the class.
2. I haven't got enough money to buy a new car.
A. I need more money to buy a new car. 	B. I don't want to spend more money on a new car. 
C. A new car is not something I really need.	D. Money is not the most essential issue to buy a new car. 
3. I am really keen on playing sports.
A. I am a big fan of sports. B. Playing sports makes me sick.C. I am not really into sports.D. I can't stand sports. 
4. “I will come back home soon,” he said.
A. He advised to come back home soon. 	B. He offered to come back home soon. 
C. He promised to come back home soon.	D. He suggested that he should come back home soon. 
5. He prevented his close friend from telling the truth.
A. He forbade his close friend to tell the truth. 	B. He allowed his close friend to tell the truth. 
C. He ordered his close friend to tell the truth.	D. He paid his close friend to tell the truth. 
6. I have to take the responsibility.
A. It's I am that responsible.	B. It is I who am responsible. 
C. It is me who am responsible. 	D. It's that me is responsible. 
7. It was her story that made me cry. 
A. I was made crying by her story. 	B. I was made to cry by her story.
C. Her story made me crying. 	D. Her story made me to cry. 
8. It is unlikely that he will come on time.
A. He is unlikely to come early. 	B. It is likely that he will not come too late. 
C. It looks as if he will come late.	D. It seems that he will come lately. 
9. He became successful as a professional writer at the age of 20.
A. He did not succeed as a professional writer until he was 20. 
B. He did not write professionally until he succeeded at the age of 20. 
C. He succeeded as a professional writer until he was 20.
D. He wrote professionally until he became successful at the age of 20. 
10. Mai: “Why don't we ask Mr Brown for help?”
A. Mai asked why they did not ask Mr Brown for help. B. Mai begged Mr Brown for help to find the reason. 
C. Mai suggested that they should ask Mr Brown for help.D. Mai wanted to know why Mr Brown did not help. 
11. I am looking forward to seeing you.
A. I don't have time to see you. 	B. I will try to find some time to see you. 
C. I should find some time to see you. 	D. I am expecting to see you.
12. I haven't got used to Indian food although I have lived here for three months.
A. I still find it strange to eat Indian food though I have lived here for three months.
B. Eating Indian food is one of the habits when I lived in Indian three months ago. 
C. Because I still live in India, I find Indian food strange to eat.
D. I have to eat Indian food to get used to eat as I have to live in India. 
13. “Don't touch the hot cooker," my mother said.
A. My mother promised me to touch the hot cooker.	B. My mother warned me not to touch the hot cooker. 
C. My mother suggested me not touching the hot cooker.D. My mother reminded me of touching the hot cooker. 
14. Stop giving me a hard time, I could not do anything about it.
A. Don't make me feel guilty because I couldn't do anything about it. 
B. I could not do anything about it because I am going through a hard time. 
C. Going through a hard time doesn't help me do anything about it.
D. I couldn't do anything about it so I would stop. 
15. I hope you stay in touch with me even when you are back to the U.S.A.
A. I want you to stay with me and not to come back to the U.S.A. 	B. I hope to meet you in the U.S.A. 
C. I want us to be connected even if you are in the U.S.A. D. I want to stay close to you so I will come to the U.S.A.
16. ""We'll give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged children this year,” a dairy giant in Ha Noi said. 
A. A dairy giant in Ha Noi wanted to give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged children this year. 
B. A dairy giant in Ha Noi suggested giving four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged children that year. 
C. A dairy giant in Ha Noi promised to give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged children that year. 
D. A dairy giant in Ha Noi ordered to give four million glasses of milk to thousands of disadvantaged children that year. 
17. Hundreds of students in Can Tho crafted 800 paper lanterns for poor children in the last Mid-Autumn Festival. 
A. Both the students and poor children in Can Tho crafted 800 paper lanterns in the last Mid-Autumn Festival. 
B. 800 paper lanterns were crafted for poor children in the last Mid-Autumn Festival by hundreds of students in Can Tho. 
C.Hundreds of students in Can Tho had 800 paper lanterns made for poor children in the last Mid-Autumn Festival. 
D. Thanks to hundreds of students in Can Tho, poor children made 800 paper lanterns in the last Mid-Autumn Festival.
18. Both disabled and non-disabled people can contribute to our community by doing voluntary work. 
A. Doing voluntary work can make contribution to our community by both disabled and non-disabled people. 
B. Either disabled or non-disabled people can make voluntary contribution to our community. 
C. Not only disabled people but also non-disabled ones can contribute to our community by doing voluntary work. 
D. With voluntary work, our community can contribute a lot thanks to both disabled and non-disabled people. 
19. Last week, a team of foreign volunteers launched a campaign to help students with disabilities. 
A. Last week, a team of foreign volunteers set up a campaign for students with disabilities to join in. 
B. Last week, students with disabilities volunteered to launch a campaign with the help of a team of foreign volunteers. 
C. Last week, both a team of foreign volunteers and students with disabilities launched a campaign. 
D. Last week, a campaign was launched to help students with disabilities by a team of foreign volunteers. 
20. Two European philanthropists have spent more than a year walking from their continent to Asia to raise funds for needy children in Viet Nam. 
A. Funds were raised for needy children in Viet Nam by a one-year-walk from their continent to Asia by two European philanthropists. 
B. In order to raise funds for needy children in Viet Nam, two European philanthropists have spent more than a year walking from their continent to Asia. 
C. Two European philanthropists have been walking from their continent to Asia for more than a year because of needy children in Viet Nam. 
D. Two European philanthropists walked from their continent to Asia more than a year ago to raise funds for needy children in Viet Nam. 
21. I said that she should see a doctor.
A. I advised her seeing a doctor. 	B. I advised her should see a doctor.
C. I advised her to see a doctor. 	D. I advised to see a doctor. 
22. Ireland doesn't allow people to smoke in bars.
A. Ireland doesn't enjoy smoking in bars. 	B. Ireland hates smoking in bars. 
C. Smoking in bars is banned in Ireland.	D. You should not smoke in bars in Ireland. 
23. Working on the computer is not what she feels like.
A. She doesn't feel like work on the computer	B. She doesn't feel like working on the computer. 
C. She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.	D. She doesn't feel like to working on the computer. 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 
1 My brother speaks too loud. It is really annoying.
A. My brother is speaking too loud. 	B. My brother likes to speak too loud. 
C. My brother feels annoyed when he can't speak too loud.D. My brother is always speaking too loud. 
2. There is always conflict between parents and children. However, they still should talk and share things with each other. 
A. Although there is always conflict between parents and children, they still should talk and share things with each other. 
B. There is always conflict between parents and children, so they still should talk and share things with each other. 
C. Unless there is always conflict between parents and children, they still should talk and share things with each other. 
D. Not only there is always conflict between parents and children, but they still should talk and share things with each other.
3. Your parents will help you with the problem. You should tell them the story.
A. Because your parents will help you with the problem, you should tell them the story.
B. Your parents will help you with the problem since you should tell them the story. 
C. If your parents will help you with the problem, you should tell them the story. 
D. Your parents will help you with the problem because you should tell them the story. 
4. Unemployment rate is high. This makes many children move back to their parents' house. 
A. Many children move back to their parents' house, which makes high unemployment rate. 
B. High unemployment rate forces many children to move back to their parents' house. 
C. Moving back to their parents' house suggests that the unemployment rate is high. 
D. It is necessary to move back to your parents' house if unemployment rate is high. 
5. She is an honest person. She is also a very friendly one.
A. She is an honest but friendly person.B. She is not only an honest but also a very friendly person. 
C. Though she is a honest person, she is friendly. D. Being honest is necessary to become friendly.
6. John lied to Linda. She didn't know the reason.
A. Linda didn't believe that John lied to her. 	B. Linda didn't know how John lied to her. 
C. Linda didn't know that John lied to her. 	D. Linda didn't know what John lied for.
7. Billy did not find his cat in the garden. He found it in the garage.
A. It was the garden and garage that Bil

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