Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Tiết 66-77

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Tiết 66-77

I. Objectives:

 By the end of lesson the students can write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities.

II. Contents:

- Matching exercise

- Gap-filling exercise

III. Teaching aids:

 - Textbooks, dictionary

IV. Procedures:

Activities Contents

Activity 1


(5 minutes) Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss should be able to write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities.

Studying in the United Kingdom

Activity 2


(5 minutes)

Activity 3

(5 minutes)

 - Task 1: Letter completion

- Purpose: This activities helps Ss to know the form of an email asking for information about higher education in the UK.

- Instruction: Have Ss read words and phrases in the box then fill in the letter.

o Form of learning: pairwork

o Ask Ss to follow the instructions and complete the email.

o Have them compare their answer in pairs

o Correct answers as a class.

- Evaluation: Feedback

Suggested Answer:

1.I am writing to ask you for 2. I want to consult you about

3. I am worried most 4. I have to take

5. I am eligible to 6. I should send

 Task 2. Complete the following outline.

- Purpose: This activity focuses on helping Ss work out the outline of a ell-structured text.

- Instruction: Ask Ss to work in groups, and give each group 3 minutes to fill in the outline.

o Form of learning: groupwork

o Have ss read the text and study the outline then ask them to discuss in groups and complete the outline.

o Have them compare their answer in pairs

o Correct answers as a class.

- Evaluation: Feedback

 Suggested answer:

1. Dear Kevin

2. I am writing to ask for some information and advice on higher education in your country.

3. What are the university entry requirements for international students in the UK?

4. What types of accommodation are available for international students?

5. Wish you and your family the best. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

6. Regards.


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Tiết 66
Lesson 4. Speaking
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson the students can
remember activities can help to reduce higher education
discuss preferences for different further education pathways.
II. Contents:
	- Matching exercise
	- Gap-filling exercise
	- Answering questions. 
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
(2 minute)
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: express preferences for different further education pathways.
Types of further education
Activity 2
(5 minutes)
- Task 1: Matching
- Purpose: This activities helps Ss to understand the meaning of the words and phrases in the lesson.
- Instruction: Have Ss read all the words and phrases in the 1st column.
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual
Ask students to read each phrase or word, and work out its meaning.
Then they read each description and decide on the answer.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d
Activity 3
(5 minutes)
Task 2. Choose the correct phrases (a-f) to complete the conversation.
- Purpose: This activities focuses Ss on understanding how to express the preferences for different further education pathways.
- Instruction: Have Ss all phrases a-f to refer the structures and guess the information.
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual, pairwork
Explain the contest and ask Ss to read through the phrases expressing preferences in the box.
All enough time for Ss to read the conversation individually.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
1.b 2.e 3.a 4.f 5.d 6.c
Activity 4
(10 minutes)
Task 3. Read and answer
- Purpose: This activities helps Ss to understand the conversation about expressing preferences for different further education pathways.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read the questions first to work out the type of information they will look for in the conversation.
- Task: 
Form of learning: pairwork, groupwork.
Ask Ss to compare their answers
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
Because higher education will help students to gain more knowledge and critical thinking skills and a bachelor’s degree will help them to find a job more easily.
Because students need some skills for getting a job before they can decide if they want to pursue an undergraduate degree or not.
They are campus-based, part-time, full-time, and online.
“cloud” learning allows students to work and study simultaneously.
They provide students with more flexible programmes and schedules.
Activity 5
(8 minutes)
Task 4. Practice.
- Purpose: This activities helps Ss to practise the conversation
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read the conversation before practicing it in groups of four.
- Task: 
Form of learning: groupwork.
Monitor the activity and select some groups to role-play the conversation in front of the class.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Activity 6
(10 minutes)
Task 5. Discussion
- Purpose: This activities focuses Ss on expressing preferences for different further education pathways.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to think about their choices and reasons...
- Task: 
Form of learning: groupwork.
Encourage Ss to share their ideas in groups.
Have different groups work together so they can help each other with ideas and suggestions.
Ask groups of Ss to have a discussion using the expressions and flow in the model in 2. Then choose one or two groups to role-play their conversation in front of the class.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
7. Consolidation (2 mins)
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Answer: I have learnt about different types of further education. I can express my preferences for different types of further education pathways.
8. Homework (2 mins)
Ask Ss to do Exercises in workbook
- Practise the conversation at home
- Prepare for Listening
9. Remark
Tiết 67
Lesson 5. Listening
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
	By the end of lesson the students can listen for specific information about studying abroad.
II. Contents:
	- listening and deciding which sentences are true (T) or False (F)
	- listening and Filling in the table
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
(5 minutes)
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Listening for specific information about studying abroad.
Activity 2
I. Pre-listening
(5 minutes)
- Task 1: Matching the pictures with the answers
- Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on the activity.
- Instruction: Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions. 
- Task: 
Form of learning: pairwork
Write some key words (e.g., academic level, courses, staff, programme coordinator,) on the board, if necessary.
Ask Ss whether they know any international students studying in Viet Nam.
Discuss briefly with Ss the problems that international students may experience.
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
They are in Viet Nam. They are learning about Vietnamese culture. They are getting to know their Vietnamese fellow students.
Activity 3
II. While-listening
(15 minutes)
Activity 4
(10 minutes)
Task 2. Take notes about each point.
Purpose: This activity focuses on listening for specific information in a talk about an international student’s experience of pursuing higher education abroad.
- Instruction: Have Ss read the instructions and the table that they have to complete.
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual
Ensure that they understand the task and the details they need to focus on.
If necessary, go through the five points and explain the meaning of the words and phrases. 
Ask Ss to take notes about each point while listening. Have them listen again to check their answers.
Play the recording twice, pausing before the second listening.
Have Ss compare their answers 
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
Vietnamese history and economic development.
Very friendly and helpful.
Very organized, knowledgeable and thorough, always available for emergencies.
Lives with a host family, has his own room, comfortable and clean, has Internet.
Eats breakfast and dinner with host family, and lunch with Vietnamese fellow students; food-healthy and delicious; has his favorite dishes.
Task 3. Listen and answer
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on listening for specific information.
- Instruction: Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the talk again and decide whether the statements are True (T), False (F) or not given (NG)
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual
Have Ss do the activity based on their notes in Activity 2.
Write their answers on the board so they can see if they are correct later.
Play the recording for Ss to listen.
Check Ss’ answers. If many students have the same incorrect answers, play the recording again, pausing at the places where Ss might have got the incorrect answers and discuss the problems.
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested ideas:
1.F 2.T 3.NG 4.F 5.T
Activity 5
(5 minutes)
Task 4. Discussion
Purpose: This activity is a post-listening one, which provides Ss with an opportunity to talk about how Ss should prepare for studying abroad.
- Instruction: Have Ss read the instructions carefully. 
- Task: 
Form of learning: pairwork
Ask some pairs to report their discussions to the class.
Praise Ss for the most useful ideas, and good presentation skills.
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback 
6. Consolidation (3 mins)
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Answer: I have learnt about a study-abroad experience in Viet Nam. I have practised listening for specific information and taking notes.
7. Homework (2 mins)
- Review the lesson
- Prepare for Writing
8. Remark
Tiết 68
Lesson 6. Writing
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
	By the end of lesson the students can write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities.
II. Contents:
Matching exercise
Gap-filling exercise
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks, dictionary
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
(5 minutes)
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss should be able to write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities.
Studying in the United Kingdom
Activity 2
(5 minutes)
Activity 3
(5 minutes)
- Task 1: Letter completion
- Purpose: This activities helps Ss to know the form of an email asking for information about higher education in the UK.
- Instruction: Have Ss read words and phrases in the box then fill in the letter.
Form of learning: pairwork
Ask Ss to follow the instructions and complete the email.
Have them compare their answer in pairs
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
1.I am writing to ask you for
2. I want to consult you about
3. I am worried most
4. I have to take
5. I am eligible to
6. I should send
Task 2. Complete the following outline.
Purpose: This activity focuses on helping Ss work out the outline of a ell-structured text.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to work in groups, and give each group 3 minutes to fill in the outline.
Form of learning: groupwork
Have ss read the text and study the outline then ask them to discuss in groups and complete the outline.
Have them compare their answer in pairs
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
 Suggested answer:
Dear Kevin
I am writing to ask for some information and advice on higher education in your country.
What are the university entry requirements for international students in the UK?
What types of accommodation are available for international students?
Wish you and your family the best. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Activity 4
While - Writing
(15 minutes)
Task 3. Wring an email asking for information about higher education in the UK.
Purpose: This activity helps Ss write an email asking for information about higher education in the UK.
- Instruction: Have Ss work in groups of three or four to go through the points.
Form of learning: groupwork
Ask Ss to discuss what information they want to ask for and 
Have them compare their answer in pairs
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Activity 5
(10 minutes)
Task 4. Correction
Purpose: This activity helps Ss to correct the writing.
- Instruction: Ask some Ss to write the email on the board, one Ss correct.
+ Check an email as a class.
6. Consolidation (3 mins)
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Answer: I can listen for specific information in a talk about the causes and effects of global warming.
7. Homework (2 mins)
- Review the lesson
8. Remark
Tiết 69
Lesson 7. Communication and culture
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson the students can
know and share the ideas about GIFT-GIVING CUSTOMS IN THE UK
Know more about the American and the Vietnamese ideas of success
II. Contents:
discuss the ideas about GIFT-GIVING CUSTOMS IN THE UK
answer the questions about the American and the Vietnamese ideas of success
III. Teaching aids: Textbooks
Activity 1
(5 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Higher education in Viet Nam
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: further skill development
Task 1: Label the diagram of Viet Nam’s education system after primary school
- Purpose: This activities helps Ss to revise about Viet Nam education system.
- Instruction: Have Ss read words and phrases in the box then fill in the letter.
Form of learning: groupwork
Go through the words in the box and check Ss’ understanding.
Explain to Ss that this diagram is more detailed than the one in Vocabulary 1 especially for the higher education section.
Ask Ss to work in groups of three and complete the diagram.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested Answer:
1.a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.e
Task 2: Listen and decide if the following statements are true (T), False (F).
Purpose: This activity provides more details about Viet Nam’s higher education.
- Instruction: Tell Ss that they are going to listen to an interview on Viet Nam’s higher education and decide whether the statements are True (T), False (F).
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual
Have Ss do the activity based on their notes in Activity 2.
Write their answers on the board so they can see if they are correct later.
Play the recording for Ss to listen.
Check Ss’ answers. If many students have the same incorrect answers, play the recording again, pausing at the places where Ss might have got the incorrect answers and discuss the problems.
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested ideas:
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
(10 minutes)
Task 3. Discussion
Purpose: This activity is a chance for Ss to give opinion about higher education and suggest what should be done to help students pursue academic or professional degrees.
- Instruction: Have Ss read the instructions carefully. 
- Task: 
Form of learning: pairwork
Ask Ss to groups of three or four to brainstorm ideas on helping students pursue academic or professional degrees.
Ask some groups to present their opinions and suggestions.
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback
Further education in Singapore
Lead-in: Ask Ss if they know anything about further education in Singapore.
Task 1: Describing
- Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on broadening the knowledge about higher education in Singapore.
- Instruction: Have Ss look at the diagram and describes the stages following secondary education in Singapore’s education system.
Activity 2
(5 minutes)
(10 minutes)
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual
Invite individual Ss to present their descriptions in front of the class 
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback
Task 2: Read and answer
- Purpose: This activity aims to improving reading skill on Singapore’s secondary and further education.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read the text and answer the question individually.
 + Invite one or two groups to present their answers to the class.
- Task: 
Form of learning: individual
Allow enough time for Ss to read and underline the key words in the questions. Then ask them to read the text and underline the relevant information. 
Monitor the activity, and offer help with unfamiliar vocabulary if necessary.
Correct answers as a class.
Evaluation: Feedback
Elicit their answers.
To help students to discover their talents and develop a passion for learning.
They have to pass standardized examinations.
It builds up students’ strengths and develops their talents in both academic and non-academic course.
They can select pre-university education or technical education.
They are four local universities with degree programmes for higher education.
3. Consolidation (3 mins)
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Answer: I have improved my speaking, listening and reading skills. Now I know more about Viet Nam’s and Singapore’s education system.
4. Homework (2 mins)
- Review the lesson
- Prepare for Looking back and project
5. Remark
Tiết 70
Lesson 8. Looking back
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson the students can
	- revise words and phrases related to topic "Further Education " 
	- revise intonation on Question.
	- revise present perfect and present perfect continuous tense.
II. Contents:
	- review the vocabulary about Further Education
	- intonation on questions.
	- rewrite sentences using perfect participles and perfect gerunds.
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks, cd player
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
(10 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objections: reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.
Intonation on yes-no questions and echo question.
Task 1: Listen and repeat
- Purpose: This activity focuses on rising intonation on questions.
- Instruction: Play the recording and let Ss listen to the questions paying attention to intonation at the end of each question.
Form of learning: individual
Play the recording again. Pause after each question for Ss to repeat.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Task 2: Listen and mark
-Purpose: This activity focuses on rising intonation on questions. 
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read through the exchanges. Tell them that B’s responses are echo questions.
Form of learning: pair work
Elicit form Ss what echo questions are and what intonation pattern is usually used for them.
Play the recording for S to check the answers.
Have them write an upward arrow after the echo questions.
Let Ss practise the exchanges in pairs.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Activity 2
(8 minutes)
Activity 3
(7 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Complete the sentences with the words in the box
 - Purpose: This activity aims at revising some of the vocabulary items used in the unit.
- Instruction: Have Ss do it individually.
 + Remind Ss to put the word into the correct form according to its position in the sentence.
 + Check answers as a class by asking individual Ss to read their sentences. Provide the correct answers.
Suggested answer: 
Task 1: Complete setences ...
* Purpose: This activity aims at further practicing doing exercise on present perfect or present perfect continuous
* Instruction: Ask Ss to work individually to write the sentences
Form of learning: pair work
Have Ss pay attention to use some collocations, phrases and some useful structures.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested answers:
have taken
have...been waiting
have been travelling
have been writing
has been travelling
Task 2: Rewrite sentences using present perfect or present perfect continuous
* Purpose: This activity aims at further practicing doing exercise on present perfect or present perfect continuous
* Instruction: Ask Ss to work individually to write the sentences 
Form of learning: pair work
Have Ss pay attention to use some collocations, phrases and some useful structures.
Correct answers as a class.
- Evaluation: Feedback 
Suggested answers:
The graduate students have been arriving...
The graduate students have all arrived...
She has been doing her...
They have visited this college...
I have been learning to ...
I have been discussing my ...
4. Consolidation (3 mins)
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Answer: I can ask wh-questions with appropriate intonation. I can use a range of vocabulary to talk about further education. I can use the present perfect and the present prefect continuous.
5. Homework (2 mins)
- Review the lesson
6. Remark
Tiết 62
Lesson 1. Getting started
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
	By the end of lesson the students will know some words and phrases related to topic
II. Contents:
	- listen and pronounce 
	- practice reading a dialogue
	- find information, make conversation
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks, CD
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
( 5 minutes)
1. Listen
(5 minutes)
* Warm-up: 
- Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: introducing the topic, some vocabulary related to the topic
1. Listen:
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on being familiar with the topic
Introduction: Ask Ss to look at the picture and tell them 
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the conversation 
- Play the recording. Ss listen and read silently.
- Sts listen and repeat the dialogue
(Students don’t worry about the new words or grammar points)
- T checks pronunciation
- Sts work in pairs to read the dialogue
- Some pairs read the dialogue if enough time
Activity 2
2. Ask and answer the questions
( 15 minutes)
2. Ask and answer the questions: 
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on comprehension.
Introduction: Tell Ss to read the questions carefully before they read the conversation the second time.
- Help Ss with key words or phrases to make sure that they understand all the questions. Let Ss work in pairs to answer the questions.
- T asks 5 Ss to give answers and explanation for each answer. 
Activity 3
3. Read and Identify
( 10 minutes)
3. Read and Match 
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on the meaning of some key words used in the conversation.
Introduction: Encourage Ss to use the context and clues in the conversation.
- Ask Ss to read the expressions again and find the phrases in the lest-hand column and underline them.
- Encourage Ss to guess the meanings of the phrases and then match them with their definitions in the right-hand column.
- Give comment and check.
1.c 2.g 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.e 7.h 8.f
Activity 4
4. Find and write down
( 5 minutes)
4. Find and write down 
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on helping Ss to identify sentences with the structure “having + past participle” in the conversation and write them down in the space provided.
Introduction: Ask Ss to read the conversation again and sentences with the structure “having + past participle” in the conversation and write them down in the space provided.
- Call 1-2 Ss to answer
- Give comment and check.
5. Consolidation (2 mins)
 - Vocabulary about the topic
6. Homework (2 mins)
- Ask Ss to find new words in the conversations at home
- Listen again to practice reading new words and phrases
- Read aloud the conversation at home
7. Remark
Tiết TC6
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
SS do a test and solve the problems.
The topics of unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Grammar: modal verbs, linking verbs, cleft sentences, infinitive, past simple, present perfect, gerund, state verbs
3.Attitude towards
SS are honest and they must focus on doing the test.
Resources: the test with different codes
Contents: (enclosed)
Tiết 32
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
SS do a test and solve the problems.
The topics of unit 1, 2, 3
Grammar: modal verbs, linking verbs, cleft sentences, infinitive
Attitude towards
SS are honest and they must focus on doing the test.
Resources: the test with different codes
Contents: (enclosed)
Preparing date: ..	Class 11A4
Teaching date: .. Period 01
The students accustom the syllabus.
The students have good learning methods and understand the requests of the subject.
Books, board, chalks
Introducing the syllabus
Including 2 semesters 
+ The 1st semester: Unit 1 to unit 5 
+ The 2nd semester: Unit 6 to unit 10
Each unit usually has 8 periods. After finishing unit 5, SS review and take the 1st examination. After finishing unit 10, SS review and take the 2nd one. Apart from this, each semester has optional periods.
Directing learning methods and requests
SS pay attention the lectures in the class.
SS raise their hands to build the period and ask what they do not understand.
SS have books, notebooks and devices such as pencils, erasers, rulers 
SS do homework at home, review the old lesson and prepare for new one.
Tiết 2
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson the students
	- can use lexical items related to the generation gap family rules
	- read the conversation and do True or False task about the generation gap, family rules
II. Contents:
	- word related to the generation gap and family rules: a nuclear family, an extended family, childcare, viewpoint, table manners.
	- Compound nouns; verbs used to express duty, obligation, advice or lack of obligation. 
	- find information, vocabulary in a conversation
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks, CD, Radio
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
(5 minutes)
Purpose: This activity helps Ss to be familiar with the topic of the lesson.
Instruction: This is a picture about a large-sized family. Look and answer questions: Who are the people in the picture? Is this type of family popular in your community? 
+ Ask Ss to look at the picture and describe the people in the picture
+ Ask Ss to list examples showing the gap between different generations.
+ Ss answer: (choice of music, clothing, values, lifestyles, ways of shopping or communication .etc.
Activity 2
(6 minutes)
- Task 1: Listen and read
- Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on listening a conversation and getting used to the topic of the lesson: The generation gap.
- Instruction: Tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between two friends, Sam and Ann. Let Ss guess what Sam and Ann are talking about.
 + Play the recording. Ss listen to the conversation and read along.
 + Tell Ss not to worry about new language items as they will have a chance to come back to them later on.
- Suggested answer:
Activity 3
(7 minutes)
Task 2. Reading
Purpose: This activity helps Ss to understand the conversation through comprehension questions.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read the statements and decide if they are true (T) or false (F) and refer to the conversation to find clues for their answers.
 + One student presents their answer on the board and others comment.
 + Evaluation: Teacher comments
Suggested answer: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
Activity 4
(8 minutes)
Task 3. Words in context
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on compound nouns
- Instruction: Ask Ss to complete the definitions, using the highlighted compound nouns in the conversation.
 + Ask Ss to check answers in pairs.
 + Three students present their answer on the board and others comment.
 + Evaluation: Teacher comments
Suggested answer: 
1. A nuclear family 2. Childcare 3. A generation gap 4. Table manners
5. A viewpoint 6. An extended family
Activity 5
(5 minutes)
Task 4. Find Compound nouns
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on compound nouns
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read the conversation again to find seven other compound nouns.
 + Allow Ss to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the compound nouns.
 + tell Ss to compare their answers in pairs/groups. Then check answers as a class.
 + Two students present their answer on the board and others comment.
 + Evaluation: Teacher comments
Suggested answer: 
Grandparents, grandma, grandpa, grandmother, hairstyles, housework, footsteps.
Activity 6
(5 minutes)
Task 5. Find verbs
Purpose: This activity focuses Ss on should, ought to, must and have to.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to read the conversation again to find the verbs expressing duty, obligation, advice, or lack of obligation.
 + Have Ss compare their answers in pairs/groups. Then check answers as a class.
 + Three students present their answer on the board and others comment.
 + Evaluation: Teacher comments
Suggested answer: 
Opinion & advice: Should and ought to in positive and negative forms.
Duty & Obligation: Must and have to
Lack of obligation: (not) have to, (not) need to
Activity 7
(5 minutes)
Task 6. Ask and answer questions
Purpose: This activity provides initial speaking practice, using the ideas from the conversation and Ss’ own ideas.
- Instruction: Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
 + Have Ss tell the class about their partners’ type of family and what they like and dislike about it
 + Three students present their talk
 + Evaluation: Teacher comments
8. Consolidation (2 mins)
 - Vocabulary about the generation gap
9. Homework (2 mins)
- Ask Ss to do Exercises in workbook
- Talk about their family base on the information in lesson 1
- Prepare for Lesson 2: Language
10. Remark
Tiết 3
Ngày soạn:
Ngày giảng:
Sĩ số
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson the students can
	- use lexical items (compound nouns) related to the topic The generation gap
 - identify and pronounce strong and weak forms of words in connected speech.
	- use modals to give op Unit 1. FRIENDSHIP
Lesson 2. Speaking
inions and advice: should, ought to
	- use must and have to express obligation
II. Contents:
	- Pronunciation: Strong and weak form of words. 
	- Compound nouns 
	- Modals: should/ought to; must/have to
III. Teaching aids:
	- Textbooks, CD
IV. Procedures:
Activity 1
(6 minutes)
Purpose: This activity helps Ss to retell the previous lesson of vocabulary
Instruction: Ask Ss to list some activities that your family members often do to share household chores. 
 + One or two Ss to tell about their family share of household chores.
 + Teacher comments.
Activity 2
(7 minutes)
(6 minutes)
- Task 1: Matching
- Purpose: This activity focus Ss on the compound nouns in the unit and their spelling.
- Instruction: Ask them to match each single noun (1-9) with another (a-i) to make a compound noun.
 + Tell them to check their answer in pairs, then check as a class. Give their meanings of these compound nouns, if necessary.
 + Draw Ss’ attention to the four compounds written as one word: household, hairstyles, schoolchildren, footsteps.
 + Two st

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_11_tiet_66_77.docx