Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit 10: Healthy lifestyle and longevity - Lesson 2: Language - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit 10: Healthy lifestyle and longevity - Lesson 2: Language - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain more language items:

+ Vocabulary: words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity.

+ Pronunciation: fall-rise intonation on statements and questions expressing invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise.

+ Grammar: conditional sentences and to-infinitives/gerunds in reported speech

2. Skills:

- Improve SS’ reading, listening and speaking skills.

3. Attitude:

- Have right attitude toward learning, have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.

- Be aware of the things that helps to live long and healthy.

4. Competence:

- Develop the skills of working in pairs and groups as well as time management ability.


1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, references, CDs, CD player.

2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker


docx 4 trang Đoàn Hưng Thịnh 02/06/2022 7360
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Preparing date:
Teaching date:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain more language items:
+ Vocabulary: words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity.
+ Pronunciation: fall-rise intonation on statements and questions expressing invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise.
+ Grammar: conditional sentences and to-infinitives/gerunds in reported speech 
2. Skills: 
- Improve SS’ reading, listening and speaking skills. 
3. Attitude:
- Have right attitude toward learning, have responsible attitude toward their schoolwork.
- Be aware of the things that helps to live long and healthy.
4. Competence:
- Develop the skills of working in pairs and groups as well as time management ability.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, references, CDs, CD player...
2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker
1. Checking previous lesson: (4 m)
Goal:Remind SS of some collocations in the getting started lesson.
+ Fill in the suitable verb to make a collocation and make sentences.
e._________yoga and t’ai Chi
b.__________immune system
d.___________a workout
f.________natural remidies
* Answers: a. relieve b. weaken c. practise d. do e. practise f. take
 - Make sentences: (students’ answers)
- Call ss to do the task individually by speak aloud their answers. Ask other ss to comment and check and give mark. 
2. Contents of the new lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the right forms of the following words and phrases. (5 m)
* Aims: Consolidate and learn some more words related to the topic “ How to stay healthy?’
- Have Ss go through the words given in the box and discuss with a partner their meanings.
- Ss fill the blanks with the right form of the word from the box. Have Ss complete the sentences individually, then compare their answers in pairs or groups.
Activity 2: Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the following adjectives formed with “-free” or “anti-.” (5 m)
* Aims: Encourage SS to work out the meaning of “Free and anti-”
- Explain to Ss that free is used to form compound adjectives, which are usually hyphenated. On the other hand, anti- is used as a prefix to form adjectives or nouns, which can be spelled with or without a hyphen.
- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, then compare answers in pairs or groups.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- Do the task as guided to widen the vocabs.
1. cholesterol 2. nutrition
3. natural remedies 4. immune system 
5. ageing process 6. meditation
7. life expectancy 8. boost
- Focus on pronunciation and meaning.
- Listen and take note.
- do the task as guided
* Key.
2. lifestyle that does not cause stress
3. foods that do not contain cholesterol
4. foods that are believed to prevent the appearance from getting older
5. diet that prevents the formation of acne
6. medicine that lowers cholesterol levels or prevents high cholesterol.
- Check and corect answers.
2. Pronunciation.(8 m)
Intonation: Invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise
* Aims: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the fall-rise intonation in Invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise
- Have Ss listen and notice the intonation pattern of the questions
- Have them listen and repeat the exchanges with appropriate intonation.
- Ask them to study the Do you know ? box to learn some general rules of intonation patterns for question tags.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along with the recording, imitating the intonation patterns.
- Have them practice the exchanges in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer the questions.
- Ask some pairs to role-play the exchanges in front of the class, using appropriate intonation patterns.
- Praise Ss who can reproduce these exchanges with good pronunciation and appropriate intonation.
- Pay attention to the fall-rise intonation
1. invitation/ suggestion
2. surprise
3. uncertainty
4. polite request
5. hesitation
- Listen and mark the fall-rise intonation.
Role-play the exchanges in front of the class, using appropriate intonation patterns.
2. Grammar: Conditionals in reported speech.
a. Activity 1. (5 m)
* Aims: Focus on some general rules for changes in reported speech with conditionals.
- Task: Read the statement in direct speech. Decide if it is necessary to change the verb tenses in reported speech after reporting verbs in the past tense. Write C or U in the space provided.
- Have S work individually first
- Encourage them to refer to the Do you know..? box to get more information about the classes. Ask Ss questions to check if they understand the general rules related to the form and usage of this grammar point.
- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
b. Activity 2: Report each statement in 1. 
(2 m)
* Aims: Practise making reporrted sentences,
applying the rules given.
- Ask Ss to report the statements in 1, using the reporting verbs in the prompts.
1. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I couldn’t sleep. C
2. Dr. Quan said that we’d boost our immune system if we had a healthy lifestyle. C
- Ask Ss to rewrite their sentences on the notebook at home.
* Activity 3: Write the sentences in reported speech, using the reporting verbs in bracket. (7 m)
* Aims: Help SS to know how to use reported speech with to-infinitives and gerunds.
- Explain that to-infinitives or gerunds can be used to report actions.
- Have Ss read the Do you know..? box and focus on the verb forms in reported speech after the three groups of reporting verbs.
- Call SS to write the sentences on the board and check.
- Listen to the T carefully to know what to do.
- Work individually first then discuss in pairs.
* Keys : 1. C/U 2. C/U 3. U 4. U
5. U 6. U 7. U 8. C/U
- Stamp on my the rules.
- Listen to the T’s instruction and complete the task at home.
- Pay attention to the T to know: reported speech with to-infinitives and gerunds.
- Read Do you know for furrther information. 
* Keys:
1. Jack’s father advised him not to eat fast food every day.
2. Ann asked Kim to do the dishes for her
3. The doctor told me to do a 30-minute work-out every day
4. Mai invited Peter to go out for a coffee
5. Phong apologized for breaking my glasses
6. Hoa reminded Lan to buy some groceries on the way home
7. Carol suggested enrolling on a yoga course
8. John and Max admitted forgetting to submit the assignments the day before.
- Do the writing task on the board then correct the answers. 
Activity 4: Change the sentences in reported speech into direct speech. (7 m )
* Aims: Improve SS’ knowledge about some special verbs in reported speech and direct speech.
- Ask Ss to do the task after giving a model sentence. 
- Ask Ss to change the sentences in reported speech into direct speech.
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board.
- Note the model and do the task as guided. 
* Key 
2. “Kim, don’t forget to turn off the lights before leaving the house”
3. “You shouldn’t exercise too hard because it’s not good for your heart”
4. “Let’s have a picnic next weekend”
5. “Don’t play near the construction site”
6. “Would you like to spend your summer holidays on my grandparents’ farm?”
7. “I’m sorry. I’ve made lots of mistakes in the report”
8. “Yes, I took my father’s car without permission”.
- Go over checking the answers. 
3. Consolidation and homework 
a. Consolidation: (1m)
- Retell some main points of the lesson that SS need to focus on.
b. Homework: (1m)
- Review and learn by heart the vocabulary. 
- Do Activity 2 (page 61 textbook)
- Prepare the next lesson Unit 10: Reading. 

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_11_thi_diem_unit_10_healthy_lifestyle.docx