Giáo án tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Tiết 12: The past simple vs the present perfect - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Tiết 12: The past simple vs the present perfect - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 - Review about how to distinguish between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense.

2. Skills

- Develop SS’s listening and speaking and writing skills:

3. Attitude:

- Take the study seriously

- To be more interested in learning English.

4. Competence:

- Self-study ability

 - Co-operative and reporting abilities.


1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.

2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker


docx 3 trang Đoàn Hưng Thịnh 03/06/2022 6571
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Preparing date
(TỰ CHỌN 12)
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
	- Review about how to distinguish between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense.
2. Skills
- Develop SS’s listening and speaking and writing skills: 
3. Attitude:
- Take the study seriously
- To be more interested in learning English. 
4. Competence:
- Self-study ability
	- Co-operative and reporting abilities.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.
2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker
Warm up: (5m)
* Aims Create warm atmostphere before starting the lesson and lead SS into the topic of the lesson.
- Ask SS to choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences:
1. Last month we (launched/have launched) a campaign to help students with disabilities.
2. At our last meeting, we (decided/have decided) to organise a football match to raise money for charity.
3. At the end of the meeting, we (invited/have invited) all students to come to a football match.
* Answers: 1. launched	2. decided	3. invited
- Ask other SS to give comments.
- Give feedback.
- Lead into the lesson: We’re going to review about how to distinguish between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense.
2. Content:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
ACTIVITY 1: Review about the different between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense (8m)
Aim: Sts review the past simple tense and the present perfect tense 
Method: Ask and answer
- Call on some SS to remind the differences between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense.
- Ask other to give comments.
- Feedback
- Remember the differences between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense.
- Give comments.
- Check and take notes.
Suggested answer:
 + The past simple is used to talk about an action that happened at a specific point in the past.
 + The present perfect is used to talk about an action that happened in the past without referring to the exact time.
ACTIVITY 2: Complete the following sentences with the past simple or present perfect of the verbs in brackets. (10m)
Aims: Sts can practice more to distinguish between the past simple tense and the present perfect tense.
Methods: Work individually and then in pairs
- Ask SS to do exercise 3 – Workbook page 27.
- Ask SS to find the answer individually and then exchange their answers with their partners.
- Call on some SS to write their answers on board
- Ask others to give comments
- Feedback
- Do the exercise individually and then in pairs.
- Write the answers on board
- Give comments.
- Check and take notes.
Suggested answer:
1. completed 2. have become
3. decided 4. have taken
5. Have you ever helped 6. carried
ACTIVITY 3: Rewrite these sentences, using the words and phrases given. (10m)
Aims: Sts practice more to make sentences with past simple tense and present perfect tense
Methods: Work in groups
- Divide class into groups of 4.
- Ask SS to do exercise 4 – Workbook page 27
- Explain some new words if necessary.
- Go around helping if necessary.
- Call on the representative of 3 groups to write their answer on board.
- Ask other to give comments.
- Feedback
- Do as appointed.
- Write the answer on board
Suggested answer:
1. We started working on this programme five years ago.
2. Teachers at the school for gifted students have recently discovered that some of their students also have learning disabilities.
3. In 2008 our instructors began to teach extra classes for students with learning disabilities.
4. We have already created a resource room for talented students with learning disabilities since 2013.
5. In January our school started using the same curriculum for both talented and challenged students.
6. Students with disabilities in our school have participated in a special programme since 2010.
7. We have won the UNESCO charity award three times (since 2011).
ACTIVITY 4: Find the mistakes and correct them (10m)
Aims: Sts understand more about the 2 tenses
Methods: Work in groups
- Divide class into groups of 4.
- Ask SS to do exercise 5 – Workbook page 28
- Explain some new words if necessary.
- Go around helping if necessary.
- Ask sts to write their group’s answers on the sub-boards.
- Hang out the sub-boards and ask others to give comments
- Feedback
- Do the task as appointed in groups.
Suggested answer:
1. received ⟶ have received
2. read ⟶ have read
3. has not been able ⟶ was not able
4. has become ⟶ became
5. has been ⟶ was
3. Consolidation and homework. 
a. Consolidation: (1m)
* Ask SS to retell what they have learnt during the lesson.
+ Teacher summaries main points of the lesson.
b. Homework: (1m)
- Do the task again	
- Prepare for the next lesson

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tu_chon_tieng_anh_lop_11_thi_diem_tiet_12_the_past_s.docx