Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Tiết 52: Cosolidation 2 - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Tiết 52: Cosolidation 2 - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 1-5

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “Caring for those in need”, and “Being part of ASEAN"

+ Pronunciation: Elision of weak vowels before |n|, |l|, |r|; Falling and rising intonation.

+ Grammar: The Past Simple, The Present Perfect, Gerunds and State verbs in the continuous forms.

- Practise doing exercises related to the vocabulary and grammar points of these 5 lessons.

2. Skills

- Develop SS’s listening and speaking and writing skills:

3. Attitude:

- Take the study seriously

- To be more interested in learning English.

4. Competence:

- Self-study ability

- Co-oparative and reporting abilities.


1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.

2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker


docx 4 trang Đoàn Hưng Thịnh 02/06/2022 5073
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Preparing date
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
- Revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 1-5 
+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “Caring for those in need”, and “Being part of ASEAN"
+ Pronunciation: Elision of weak vowels before |n|, |l|, |r|; Falling and rising intonation.
+ Grammar: The Past Simple, The Present Perfect, Gerunds and State verbs in the continuous forms.
- Practise doing exercises related to the vocabulary and grammar points of these 5 lessons.
2. Skills
- Develop SS’s listening and speaking and writing skills: 
3. Attitude:
- Take the study seriously
- To be more interested in learning English. 
4. Competence:
- Self-study ability
- Co-oparative and reporting abilities.
1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player, disc.
2. Students: Students’ books, learning tools, drafting paper and/or extra board, marker
Warm up: (5 m)
* Aims: Create warm atmostphere before starting the lesson and lead SS into the topic of the lesson.
Choose one underlined part that needs correcting.
1. The government really must to do something about unemployemnt.
 A	 B C D
2. She was surprised seeing him at the party.
 A B C D
3. Her failure to obeying the school rules upset her parents very much. 
 A	B C D
4. We don’t have to drive fast ; there is a speed limit here.
 A B C D
* Answers: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 
- Ask other SS to give comments.	- Give feedback.
- Lead into the lesson: We’re going to review the contents of unit 1- 5.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Vocabulary: 
Aims:- Ss get the meaning of the words or phrases and know how to use the words in the context.
Method: Work in individually / in pairs.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. (15 m)
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner. 
- Check answers as a class and write the correct sentences on the board.
Pronunciation: (10 m)
Aim: Get Ss to read the sentences with the correct intonation.
Method: work in individually/ in a pairs.
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, then compare their answers with a partner. 
Feedback and give the answers
III. Skills – Corrections. (12 m)
Aims: Ss know how to use the words/phrase words in the correct forms.
Methods: Work in pairs
Exercise 3: Make the meaningful sentences, using the given words below.
Ask Ss to do this activity individually. 
 Elicit the form and use of the present perfect tense and the past simple tense. 
Ask a student to do the activity on the board while the rest of the class works on it individually.
Check Ss' answers, or ask them to explain their choice of tenses. 
- Do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner.
1.B 2. B 3. B 4. A
5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C
9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D
13. B 14. D 15. A
Listen to T’s instructions and do this exercises.
- Speak out the answers and the whole Ss to practise pronunciation.
 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C
 5. A 6. A 7. B
- Write down the answers on notebook.
-Listen to T’s instructions and do this exercises.
- Write the sentences on the board. Check the answers with the whole class.
- Pay attention to T’s feedback and make sure the answers then write down on notebook.
1.D 2. B 3. B 4. B
5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. B 
3. Consolidation and homework. 
a. Consolidation: (2 m)
* Ask SS to retell what they have learnt during the lesson.
+ Teacher summaries main points of the lesson.
b. Homework: (1m)
- Do the task again	
- Consolidate all unit 3 and 4 for the written 45 minute test 
Handout for Consolidation 1
Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable word/ phrase to complete the sentences
1. What are you going to do this weekend? - ___________
	A. I don’t like going out.	B. We intend to visit my grandparents.
	C. I’m very tired.	D. It’s a good idea.
2. _________ is a condition in which a part of a person’s body or mind does not work well because of physical or mental damage
	A. Campaign	B. Impairment	C. Integration	D. Condition
3. Many experts believe that noise is the cause of approximately half of all cases of _____ loss.
	A. visual	B. hearing	C. cognitive	D. speaking
4. Self-awareness which is knowledge about strengths, weaknesses, and special _______ is very important to disabled children.
	A. talents	B. efficiency	C. attractive	D. events
5. A _______ is a word or group of words often used in campaigns to attract people’s attention.
	A. donation	B. slogan	C. record	D. monitor
6. Before you start cooking, you should gather together all the necessary_____. 
	A. ingredients 	B. substances 	C. elements 	D.factors
7. Teens should have the ability to __________ loneliness.
	A. deal	B. cope with	C. set up	D. look after
8. At the same time, ASEAN focuses .................................. regional peace and stability, and providing opportunities for its member states to discuss differences peacefully
 A. to protecting	 B. into protecting	 C. on protecting	 D. for protecting
9. a group of countries or parties with similar political interests.
	A. Association	B. Motto	C. Bloc	D. Constitution
10. In developing countries, there are many children ........................................ cognitive impairments.
	A. with	B. in	C. of	D. about
11. Viet Nam always desires to work with its partners on the basic of the ______________ of respect for independence, equality and equal benefit.
A. solutions	B. principle	 	C. trust	D. stability
12. International programmes should aim to enhance cooperation for peace, ______________ and development.
A. solutions	B. principle	 	C. trust	D. stability
13. in the past years, high ______________growth has enabled VN to increase people’s living standards.
A. relations	B. economic	C. maintenance	D. community	
14. VN is considered a reliable partner to all nations and a responsible member of the international ______________. 
A. relations	B. economic	C. maintenance	D. community	
15. That ASEAN Summit tried to find appropriate ______________to further problems of building the ASEAN Community.
A. solutions	B. principle	 	C. trust	D. stability
Exercise 2: 
Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. impairment	B. dictionary	C. voluntary	D. television
2.A. cognitive	B. alphabet	C. museum	D. difficulty
3.	A. hardship	B. background	C. attitude	D. respectful
4.	A. integration	B. disabilities	C. discrimination	D. international
5.	A. convention	B. Singapore	C. motto	D. influence
A. reliance	B. independent	C. generation	D.understand	
A. viewpoint	B. impose	C. greenhouse	D. conflict	
Exercise 3: Choose one underlined part that needs correcting.
1. We can help people in need by making a donate to a charity. 
 A B C D
 2. The last time I have gone to HN was in May.
 A B C D
 3. My brother has always dreamed to be a famous film star. 
 A B C D
 4. The rain prevented us for climbing to the top of the mountain.
 A B C D
 5. I saw him to leave the house early this morning.
 A B C D
 6. I’d like telling you something about myself.
 A B C D
 7. It was many students some of who were playing in the schoolyard
 A	 B C D
 8. I haven’t met him since a long time.
 A B C D
9. He doesn’t rely up other people for help.
 A B C D
10. The mission of the charity is improve the quality of the lives of people with mental disabilities. A B C	D

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_11_thi_diem_tiet_51_cosolidation_2_nam.docx